Page 94 of Wicked Lessons

And they’re not paying a jot of attention to the band.

Annoyance simmers beneath my skin. Unwanted female attention hadn’t been much of an issue in any of my other places of employment. I’d nipped any and all flirtation before it escalated into impropriety.

The only thing keeping me stoic is the fact that everything I’m enduring—from my presence at this fourth-rate institution to the insolence of my sub—is for a worthy cause.

When Veer Bestlasson is in the hands of Crius’s men, Mother will regain her freedom. And once I’ve tracked his location and caught up with the slimy bastard, I will put a bullet through his brain.

Even though my mission here will be complete within a matter of weeks, there’s only so much a man can endure.

I can’t do anything about Phoenix—at least not while numerous sets of eyes are boring into me like daggers, but I will deal with Dr. Raring.

“Is there a reason why you’ve insinuated yourself into the time I wish to spend with a colleague?” I ask from between clenched teeth.

“You’re the most fascinating thing that’s happened here in years,” she replies.

“If that’s the case, I doubt you have anything to hold my interest” I say with a sniff.

She flinches but swats away the mild insult. “Why would a scholar from such a renowned university leave his position to come to a place with next to no research ranking?”

It’s an excellent question and one for which I have prepared an answer. “It’s the easiest way to get tenure when I make my next career jump. And the remuneration package was impossible to refuse.”

“You’re not planning on staying?”

I turn to look her full in the face. “I have a good understanding that Professor Eckhart will make a full recovery.”

“He’s doing extremely well.” Dr Xander gushes before cataloging the old man’s injuries.

Tuning them out, I watch the band play tunes from the 1960’s and 70’s. Veer Bestlasson has a passable singing voice for a young man due to inherit a large portion of the Bestlasson empire.

Crius wouldn’t dare hurt a hair on his blond head. Not unless he wants to incur the unrelenting wrath of Odin. And if Odin had any sense, he would divulge the location of Seacroft Prison or give Crius access to whatever or whoever is in there that he finds so important.

The band launches into a psychedelic instrumental, and Veer Bestlasson walks to one end of the stage and grins down at Phoenix.

Absolutely not.




Angry heat burns through my veins, fueling a fire in the pit of my stomach that’s more fury than jealousy. Jealousy would imply that I’m attached to Professor Segul.

I’m not.

It was just a shock to realize that Dr. Raring didn’t get dolled up for Dr. Xander. That outfit was for Professor Segul, and he looks so perfect at her side.

They are both so age appropriate.


I knew all along he had another woman. He’d inquired about her health on the phone that time he thought I wasn’t listening.

A growl resounds in my throat. The same man who ordered me to stay away from someone as harmless as Veer gets to parade other women around campus, while keeping me his dirty secret.

I turn back to the stage, where Veer’s friend now dips behind the curtains, presumably to join the rest of his band.

“Hey girl,” Charlotte says, her voice giddy. “Didn’t you hear what Axel said?”