He had noticed her on her arrival, even though it was Angus’ new wife who had first drawn his eye and flamed his desire when he’d seen her the first time. But this woman, this Lady Darling, was like a wave of cool water, refreshing and sweet, and her kindness and demureness enticed him in a way he could not explain. If his brother, Archibald, were alive, he would tell him he was an utter fool, allowing his mind and body to become so enthralled with another.

But Archibald was hard and thought only of his momentary pleasures. He saw women as objects for his gain and not as something else, something deep, wonderful, and mysterious. Unfortunately, one problem among many was the fact that Lady Darling’s father had killed his brother. He was there, and she was there when it happened.

The musket had fired, and the bullet sent into his brother’s flesh, and at the moment, it felt like time had stopped. He still mourned the loss of his brother’s large presence and laughter, but he knew it was up to him to uphold the Campbell clan and bring them the success he wanted for it. If he failed, then it would lay heavy on his shoulders. And yet, this woman beckoned to his deep desire for intimacy and love, and he unconsciously had put aside his concerns for his clan and focused only on her. He had even stopped going to the brothel in the last few weeks because his body and mind were full of her.

He had not expected to see her again at the wedding, and it had set his heart alight. Now that she was returned, when could he see her again? He knew that Charlotte was intrigued by his interest in her friend, and he hoped that he could count upon her to help him find more time with Elizabeth. He wasn’t sure if Elizabeth had any interest in him as a suitor, but he had seen something sparkle behind her eyes as they danced the evening before. It was enough to encourage him and to make him rethink his next visit to Duart. He was itching to go again, but he was certain he would need to find a believable excuse.

John could hear footsteps on the stone of the battlement floor, and he turned reluctantly to see his new second-in-command, Finlay, approaching him with news. “Laird, the shepherd wants tae see ye again about the boundaries of the grazing fields.” John nodded in a bored way, and Finlay stepped forward, daring to ask another question.

“Laird, I know that ye now have a sort of friendship with the MacLeans and its recent connection to Fort William, but what of yer plans to ally with the English? Were there nae plans tae take Duart and give it tae the English tae use for battle preparation?”

John scowled. He was used to the men bringing forth ideas and complaints, as he had been the one to conduct business between the other clans even when his brother was in power, but this time it bothered him. He knew that the rest of his clan might not fully understand his new alliance with the MacLeans, and he should tell them the reason, but he wanted a clan compliant, wishing to follow his word without question.

“We do have plans for progress, Finlay, but they are different now. My brother had one way of conducting things, but I have quite another.” Finlay nodded tightly.Damn it. I cannae afford tae incur the clan’s resentment. Not now when they all look at me tae make a success of them.

Finlay turned to go, and John stopped him. “Dinnae worry, lad. There will be progress. We will move forward and gain power, but I have yet tae think of it. There is much on my mind of late.”

Finlay smiled, narrowing his eyes, and John had the feeling his old friend was assessing him. “Ye have changed, my friend. I have seen many a man look thus, stricken like a moping dog. Does this have something tae do with a bonny lass?”

John crossed his arms over his wide chest, feeling suddenly exposed. He hadn’t realized that the emotions of his inner heart were so easy to read and analyze. He considered denying it, but this might be a chance to endear himself to his clan, to prove that he was not without flaw, but that he was still strong. He smiled. “Aye, something like that, but that is the last I will speak of it. Nae need tae elaborate.”

Finlay chuckled and hooked a thumb in the westerly direction. “Ye might consider taking yerself back tae the brothel, laird. I noticed ye have nae returned in a few weeks.”

John shook his head. “I will sort it out, Finlay. Now, tae the shepherd.” Finlay led the way inside, and John had to shove aside thoughts of Elizabeth as a willing woman in his bed as he took the stairs down to his own Great Hall.

* * *

Charlotte glanced at Angus and didn’t seem to notice Elizabeth’s discomfort as she straightened up slowly. “Ever since an incident when I first arrived, Angus feels itis better if someone comes with us for a sort of protection.” Elizabeth could hear a slight sarcasm in Charlotte’s voice.

Elizabeth’s heart was pounding. She would have to face Liam today. The day right after she’d slapped him angrily, and when her body felt weak and limp from her overindulgence. What was she going to say? It was not as if Charlotte could school her, for she did not know the circumstances. Charlotte winked. “Besides, it might be fun to ride the three of us around the Isle. You have not yet seen it in all of its beauty.”

Elizabeth swallowed and tried her best to smile in return. However, she knew that it probably came out like a grimace. Luckily, Charlotte’s face was to the rest of the table, and she bid them goodbye, leading the way to the stables.

“Do you ride, Elizabeth? I cannot believe I did not ask before.” Charlotte shifted her leather medicine bag in her arms as she led the way.

“Yes, I do, but only with instructors and in the park. Never on wild, Scottish land.” Charlotte’s smile was wide and brilliant at Elizabeth’s reply.

“Then you are in for a wonderful experience, my friend. We will find a proper horse for you. I wonder where Liam could be? Probably needs to wake up after such a heavy bout of merriment last evening.” She chuckled, and Elizabeth shivered, feeling the cool morning breeze on her arms.

Elizabeth tried to draw her mind from what was before her. “And how was your celebration, Charlotte? Are you certain you wish to do the healing the day after your wedding? Surely you would wish to…stay home.” Charlotte giggled at Elizabeth’s innocent discomfort.

“Angus said the same thing, but he knows he could not stop me. I need to check on my patients, especially after the hard celebration. We may need to help a few solve their pounding heads and aching bellies.”

“Aye, that is true enough, Mistress Charlotte.” Liam suddenly appeared from inside the stables, pulling two horses with him, looking fatigued. Elizabeth paused and looked anywhere but at his face.Dear God, help me to know what to say.

Even though she had not woken up with a headache, she felt one coming on now as she searched for just the right words. An apology would feel strange after what he had done to her, and she didn’t want Charlotte to know anything.

“Ah, Liam, you have graced us with your presence,” Charlotte smirked as he helped her up onto the horse. “You need a bit of medical assistance this morning?”

Liam groaned. “Aye, Charlotte, that I do. I dinnae suppose ye have something for me head? It wishes tae leave my body, I think, with the way it is pounding.”

Charlotte laughed and said. “Yes, at the first house with a similar symptom to you, we can make a nice tea. I suppose you did not realize you were to accompany me today.”

“Nae, but yer husband enjoyed telling me, I think.” Elizabeth watched their interaction almost jealously. She so much wished she could be like Charlotte, so comfortable and easy in her own skin, and she was certain she would see her the same at work with those under her care.

Elizabeth still hadn’t said anything, and despite the cool winds, sweat began to break out on her forehead when she heard Liam’s slow footsteps coming around to her side to help her onto the horse. Her heart was screaming; its pounding was thunderous and quick.Think, think!What was she to say?