Chapter Four

It gave Elizabeth an odd comfort to see Liam’s discomfort. He looked just as uncomfortable as she was once he came around the edge of her horse. His hair was tousled handsomely, she couldn’t help but notice, and it almost seemed as if he might be blushing. “Lady Darling,” he said stiffly in greeting. Elizabeth could feel Charlotte’s eyes watching them, so she had to act as normal as she could if that was possible.

She cleared her throat, giving herself one more second to prepare. “Liam,” she said and was surprised at the calmness of her voice.

“Do ye ride, Mistress?”

Mistress it was now, was it?Perhaps that was for the best. He had been drunkenly stupid, insinuating that she and he were on the cusp of making love. He had also hinted about her own carnal interest in John Campbell. That secret knowledge gave her a little bit of strength. Even if she was embarrassed about slapping him, he did deserve it a little.

“Yes, I ride.” That was the end. She had naught more to say, and it came out a little more sharply than intended. She noticed Liam flinch, and that brought a flash of red to her cheeks. But now he wasn’t watching her anymore. He set her foot into the stirrup and then helped her lift over the edge. Elizabeth tried to ignore the tingle on her skin at the feel of his strong hands on her waist and leg. Never in England had a gentleman touched her like that to assist her with the horse.

Come to think of it, she had never been kissed before either, and the sensation slipped into her mind of lips on lips, warm and smooth, gliding over hers slowly, begging for more. She could feel her muscles begin to melt at the thought, but she halted them as soon as Liam’s eyes were on her again, handing her the reins. “Here, Mistress. This mare is a good one. She willnae steer ye wrong.” Elizabeth nodded, and Liam watched her for a moment more before getting his own horse.

Charlotte led the way, and Elizabeth trotted up next to her. Liam was far behind, going at his own pace. Charlotte turned to Elizabeth and tried to make her voice soft, despite the clopping hooves sounding through their ears. “What was that about? You two looked about as uncomfortable as naughty schoolchildren. Did something happen between you?” Elizabeth could hear poorly contained excitement in Charlotte’s tone.

Elizabeth chewed on her lip, knowing that she would not keep her secret for long. Not only was Charlotte very persuasive with her flashing green eyes and stubborn spirit, but Elizabeth was never very good at lying. Lord Darling could attest to that. She didn’t say anything, and Charlotte said, “Elizabeth Darling… if you are keeping such interesting information from me, there shall be Hell to pay! I know something happened. I can see it all over your expression!” Charlotte glanced behind her.

“Liam cannot hear us. Tell all!”

Elizabeth wavered for just another moment before replying, “Perhaps something did happen. Slightly. Barely.”

Charlotte chuckled with satisfaction. “I knew it! I had told Angus something would happen to you. Those two men are after you, and you were sure to experience something of their advances before the night was through. But why should it make the two of you uncomfortable? Surely what happened between the two of you would have been pleasant? Desired? You did tell me you thought Liam was very handsome.”

Elizabeth scrunched up her nose at the memory. “You are correct. I did say that. And unfortunately, he is very handsome. I daresay he knows how to use it to his own advantage.”

Charlotte laughed loudly. “Yes, Liam does know how to use his charm, but I could tell he was saving his most special variety for you. What happened?”

Elizabeth’s eyes wandered over the land, needing a bit of time to think of her response. They had left the stables and castle behind on the coastline, and their horses were beginning a slow climb over the base of rolling hills. They followed along next to a grove of lovely thick trees, and Elizabeth could see the beautiful stretches of grass covering the hills like a warm, spring blanket.

Charlotte was watching Elizabeth’s amazed expression. “Lovely, is it not? I tell Angus that it was here where I found my soul again.”

“I can understand,” she replied, slightly breathless with wonder. “Scotland has a way of making you consider a different way of life.” She smiled.

“Never was a truer word spoken.”

“Where is your father this morning?” Elizabeth knew she was trying to waste time before they got to their destination.

Charlotte sighed. “He is not so used to the drink as Scotsmen. Mrs. MacLean told me he is lying abed and groaning. I have sent his breakfast to him. It appears that Liam is not so skilled himself.” She chuckled.“Now, back to your story. Do not think you can get away with it so easily! We are soon to arrive at the first house, and I need to hear your words quickly.”

“Fine. Angus had asked Liam to escort me to my room. That much, you know. He did so, and he said the most surprising thing about how wild men can be tamed by beautiful, intelligent women. I was dumbstruck by the thought. It was not something my father would believe or any of the other men of my acquaintance.” Charlotte nodded, her hands tight on the reins.

Elizabeth continued, and her voice slowed, knowing that she was getting to the part she was hesitant to reveal. “When we reached the room, Liam told me that it was me he wanted to dance with and to kiss, and so he did. He kissed me.”

“Did he now? Quite the bold gentleman. What did you do?” Without seeing her face, Elizabeth knew that Charlotte’s green eyes were flashing wildly with thrill.

“I slapped him.” Elizabeth simply dropped the words, and it helped to sharpen her own guilt at her actions. She could see Charlotte’s eyes widen, and then, surprisingly, Charlotte burst into laughter.

Elizabeth was more than relieved that Charlotte found her story entertaining and not one of horror, in which she should apologize for her behavior. Once Charlotte could catch her breath, she said, “I am certain he deserved it, but I want to hear it from your own lips. What made you slap him?”

Elizabeth chuckled a little, feeling lighter at last. The sun even seemed a bit brighter. “Well, I could tell he was more than a little drunk. I had not noticed before, but his eyes could barely focus. He was telling me that I was thinking of John instead, but that I should not do so, for Liam claimed to be a better lover than John, and that I should know that well enough.”

Charlotte placed a hand on her mouth, and Elizabeth could see her shoulders shaking with laughter. “Elizabeth Darling, you have set these Highlanders afire. I am certain that John would most definitely wish you to think of him in such a way, and if he ever hears of this kiss, he will be as jealous as they come. But I heartily congratulate you on slapping Liam. What a thing to say! And to a proper English lady!”

Elizabeth winced a little. “I know. I was ashamed that he should think me such a woman who would take a man she barely knew to her bed. He and I have not met above a handful of times, and we have never spent time alone together since that time on the boat on my last trip. I was ashamed that perhaps I had enjoyed myself overmuch at the party and had purported to be a sort of wanton woman.” She said the last words with shame, for now, that the main crux of her story was revealed, she could feel it spilling it out of her. She needed comfort from her friend.

Charlotte turned to her. Elizabeth could see a small stone house coming into view. Tools and stones and piles of wood surrounded it, but in the clear, crisp morning, no one was outside working. “You should not be ashamed. A woman should never be ashamed of choosing to enjoy herself instead of thinking of all the silly rules that confine us. No, Liam was most definitely in the wrong, and he should apologize. You are not like some of the foolish young women of the Isle or the women at the brothel who fall at his feet. I daresay he was thinking you were, or at least hoping. He should be ashamed.” Charlotte paused and then grinned.

“Elizabeth, I think we should find a way to punish dear Liam and show him that you are not so easily available as he is wont to believe. He will see your intelligence and worth soon enough. Liam is a good sort of man. He is kind and happy, and deep down, he feels things keenly. But he has been so used to philandering for such a long time that it has become like a habit to him. I am sorry if he has caused you any discomfort.”