Chapter Twenty

Liam dressed with care, this time thinking only of one woman he wanted to impress. He had bathed after the heavy labor helping to build Angus and Charlotte’s house, and he had clipped his beard. All the MacLeans were to wear the MacLean colors to the Fort gathering, and they would travel in a boat convoy to the other side of the Isle. Some men would have to remain behind to guard the area, but he was grateful that he had been given a special invitation.

His hands trembled as he buttoned his waistcoat and put on his coat. The other night with Elizabeth in the library was constantly in his mind. Every time he thought of it, he was hot all over, wishing to do it again and again and again. They had even shared their affection for each other, in a way. He wanted to tell her more, and so he planned to at the party that night. He even pulled out the wooden box in his family’s cottage to find his mother’s ring, hopeful that Elizabeth would like it when he asked her to marry him.

He could envision the sight of her blue eyes at that moment, open and glistening with happiness, or so he hoped. The negative side to him told him that there was still no chance, that she would still rather marry a wealthy lord rather than a lowly Scotsman who still needed to earn his keep. But on the other hand, no one could fake the enjoyment she shared in his arms, the way she looked at him with such love in her eyes. He could tell that she cared for him.

Over the past years, he had found it easy to tell when a woman felt more for him than the usual flirtation. He had never cared before and had often found it irritating when a woman did so, just like Brea had done. He did not enjoy a woman trying to claim him and trap him into a life he didn’t want. He saw that familiar look of affection now in Elizabeth’s eyes, but this time, even though he knew she would never try to claim him as Brea would, he wanted to be trapped, taken for someone’s own. It made him feel whole again.

Realizing the time, he rushed to grab his horse and ride to the shoreline to make the boat. He did not want to miss it, for tonight was going to be a momentous occasion. Rushing to the castle stables, he left the horse there and ran to where the boats rocked gently in the Sound’s waves. A group of people was already waiting there, Elizabeth included, dressed in her long, pale pink cloak, and his heart was beating excitedly as he approached the shore, hopeful to catch her eye before they began their journey.

But he was distracted by the arrival of a servant girl at his side he didn’t quite recognize.She must be new. She handed him a letter and said, “Sir, Lady Darling has instructed me tae give ye a letter.”

Bemused, Liam looked up at Elizabeth, but she was speaking to Charlotte and Julia, unaware of his gaze. “Och, please, Sir, the lady asked that ye dinnae speak tae her about the letter, but only after. ‘Tis explained inside.”

He nodded, and once he took the letter in hand, the young girl scurried off back to the castle. He flipped the letter over, and it was quite nondescript, the wax having no seal pressed into it. He pushed it open with his thumb, and his eyes glided over the words.

Dear Liam,

I cannot wait to meet you at the party this evening. Meet me in the forest nearby to the Fort after the clock has struck six. Bring a torch with you. There is much to say.

Your Elizabeth

Liam lifted an eyebrow in surprise.My Elizabeth?Smiling, he quickly folded the letter and pushed it into his waistcoat pocket. He rubbed his hands together as the wind carried a bit of a chill, covering them all. He now could not wait until the clock struck those fateful hours.

* * *

Elizabeth was pulsing with excitement. As soon as she had dressed, Charlotte burst into her room, saying, “Elizabeth Darling, what a beauty you are! I have always known it, but now that you have decided to leave your glasses behind until a book is before you, your beauty seems to grow day by day!”

Her friend held Elizabeth’s hands out to the sides and took in the whole of her outfit. It was a pale green dress, with lace at the bodice and the sleeves, and she had even donned a circlet of lovely white pearls she had gotten from her mother. She would need the courage of her mother this evening, for tonight could be the moment her life was going to change. Liam said they would speak tonight, and she couldn’t contain herself thinking about what he might say.

“So lovely! Meet you outside very shortly!”

After Charlotte had left, looking as delightful as ever with her reddish-blonde hair placed in delicate angelic curls and a tight, rather sensual-looking red dress, Elizabeth was putting on her cloak when a servant came to the door. Elizabeth had not yet seen her around Duart.

“Mistress, Mr. Liam MacLean has instructed me tae give ye this letter. But he also told me that ye must nae speak tae him about the letter at the party. Everything is explained inside.”

Curious, Elizabeth took the letter, thanked the woman, and the girl curtsied before shutting the door behind her. Liam certainly enjoyed creating romantic suspense. She tore open the letter, and in an elegant scrawl, she read:

Dearest Elizabeth,

I have been looking forward to this party. I want the chance to speak to you alone. Meet me in the woods outside the Fort a few minutes after the clock strikes six. There is much to say.

Love, Liam

Elizabeth felt like she was in the middle of her incredible story, and once she read the letter, she folded it away with trembling fingers, putting it into the pocket of her cloak. Tonight could be the night that true love was revealed. They could surely overcome everything together, could they not? Spots of doubt tried to crowd her thoughts, but she shoved them away.

Once she felt ready, she rushed to the boats, and they were piled into separate boats and made their way across the Sound. Liam didn’t seem to have seen her yet. She, Charlotte, and Julia were speaking excitedly to one another, wondering if the gathering would give them the taste of London that all of them had been missing of late.

At the Fort entrance, the women were amazed at the sight of the impressive stone building, each of the torches lit, brightening up the surrounding areas. It was as if the moon was no longer needed. General Andrews stood at the front entrance, greeting each of his guests heartily.

“Daughter!” He rushed forward to clasp Charlotte in an embrace and kiss her on the cheek.

“My dear girl, I know that it has been only a little while, but it feels an age since you were married and left me for good.”

Charlotte laughed merrily. “Ah, Father, you will always think so even if it is one day between the times that I see you.”

“I am certain you are right.” He shook hands warmly with Angus and clasped hands with Julia and Elizabeth in turn. Elizabeth did not realize that Liam had come up behind her until General Andrews said, “Liam! You are most welcome, good sir. I hope you enjoy our English gathering.”