“Aye, yer right. I couldnae think straight.”

Elizabeth did not press him, but as they walked to the door, she said, “There will be a party, you know, at the Fort. Tomorrow night I imagine. All are invited.”

“Is that so?” Liam lifted an eyebrow and turned back to her. “So, can I expect a dance from me tutored lass?”

Elizabeth chuckled. “Only if you will be able to find time alone with me. I could be swarmed by suitors, you know, English soldiers, and all.”

There was a flash of discomfort in Liam’s eyes, but it passed in a moment. He gripped her hand tightly and took it to his lips. “I will fight them all off, just for the chance tae dance with ye.”

The footsteps drew nearer. “Och, lass, we will talk more at the party. I promise ye that.”

Elizabeth nodded with a smile, and Liam passed out the door. She followed after, heading to her room for her bath. They would talk tomorrow night at the party. Perhaps all could be settled between them, and she could tell her father that she would not be returning to England.