“Disappointed about what, my love?” Elizabeth tensed as she saw the tall, handsome figure of Angus MacLean entering the library, looking as if he had just been hard at work.

Charlotte said, “Angus! You must not disturb a gathering of women. What things you might hear!”

Angus held his hands up and laughed and moved to touch his wife lightly on the shoulder. “Do forgive me, ladies. I didnae wish tae make a rude intrusion, but I would like tae speak tae Charlotte. There are some matters with the house building.” He looked down at her lovingly. “There are some matters that only ye can answer for, Charlotte.”

Elizabeth was glad that Angus made no comment about her previous statements or showed any sign that he had heard any of their conversation. Charlotte sighed. “Liam must be with you then, Angus?

“Aye, Liam waits in the main hall for me tae return.”

“He has other business at the moment.” Charlotte winked at Elizabeth. “I will tell him myself. I suppose I must go, but Elizabeth, I think we have given you the advice you need. All you must do now is wait.”

Angus shrugged, and Julia stood after Charlotte tapped her lightly on her shoulder.

“And now that I am feeling better, I must take this chance to go to the study to look at the accounts. It has been weeks!” Julia smiled at Elizabeth, and she wondered just what the ladies were planning. Her heart beat rapidly as they made their goodbyes, Charlotte hand-in-hand with Angus out of the library. She leaned back and closed her eyes.

She wasn’t sure how long it had been, but she wondered if she was dreaming as she heard the slow thud of booted feet entering the room. She heard the sound of the closing of the door, but she still did not open her eyes. The heat of the fire on her face lulled her into a daydream, and then the smell of wood and sweat filled her nostrils. It was the scent of Liam.

“Hello, lass.” His deep voice pushed through her consciousness, and her eyes fluttered open. Liam stood before her in a white linen shirt, open at the collar, to see a deep V of his chest, lifting in a steady rhythm. His sleeves were rolled up to the elbows, and Elizabeth let her eyes wander over his rippled forearms, enjoying the sight of them speckled in dirt and glistening in the firelight.

At first, he had approached hesitantly; she noticed it on his expression, but his mouth lifted into a lazy grin, and his green eyes sparkled.

“Hello, Liam.”

Elizabeth stood, her body craving to touch him, and he took a step forward, the masculine scent of him encroaching even more upon her senses and making her body remember what pleasure he had brought her. “Lass, I am sorry about Fergus. I am sorry about everything. If only ye knew.”

Elizabeth lifted her hands and spread her fingertips over the span of his broad chest, moving them across its width and over his shoulders. She saw with delight that Liam was unnerved, swallowing slowly. She felt drunk at the moment as if dulled into desire. “If only I knew what, Liam?”

“How much I, what I,” he couldn’t quite get the words out, and Elizabeth placed a finger on his lips.

“There is no other woman?”

Liam’s voice was low and husky, and his hands gripped her waist. “There is none but ye, lass.”

“Good. And I--” Her words were drowned in Liam’s mouth as he yanked her to him roughly, spreading his lips over hers, drinking her in. Elizabeth’s body responded quickly, desiring the man with every vessel in her body, her hands on his neck, pulling him even closer. She could feel her nipples peak, and wetness spread through her core.

He breathed against her mouth, “Och, I want ye lass, even more than ever. I shall never be sated with ye.”

Elizabeth kissed him again, pushing her tongue forth to battle his own. Liam groaned into her mouth. In their embrace, they moved to the back corner where the desk sat against the wall. Liam put his arms underneath Elizabeth’s buttocks and lifted her up on the desk, standing between her legs. He pulled away and looked into her eyes.

Looking up at him, seeing the affection there, feeling her own heart swell with love for this man who had taken her by surprise, she nodded. Smiling, he began to untie his breeches while she pulled up the skirt of her dress and removed her underthings. Never before would she have considered committing an act in such a position, but Liam made her dizzy with lust, and she wanted him then and there.

She could feel the tip of his length pressing at her wetness, and hurriedly she guided him in with her fingertips, leaning her head back as he entered her swiftly. Her breath quickened and lifted to the ceiling as Liam thrust into her, his lips gently caressing her ear. She held onto his waist for balance as he thrust, enjoying every moment of the stretch of her core. Liam filled her fully, and she realized that she, too, could never be sated with him.

They did not speak any longer, and Elizabeth gave herself up to the feeling of budding pleasure as it lifted and grew, arching into ecstasy. Her fingertips held even tighter to his shirt as he surged forward. Her moaning grew ever louder, and she bit her lip, trying desperately to contain it. But soon, it burst through her body, and she screamed out with pleasure as she shuddered around him while he made his final thrust, gasping for breath by her ear.

They were still for a few moments, and Elizabeth traced her fingertips on his back, enjoying the weight of him surrounding her. She loved this man. She wished she could stay with him forever. Could she find a way?

Liam pulled away, grinning, and laced up his breeches. She kept sitting on the desk, not wanting to leave. When their clothing was restored, he leaned forward, his arms on the desk, and took Elizabeth’s mouth in a long, slow kiss. “There is nae one like ye, Elizabeth. I hope ye ken what I feel.”

She nodded lazily and touched her hand to his face, feeling the beard beneath her hand. “There is no one like you. I have turned into quite a wanton woman, and I have you to thank for it.”

Liam laughed and pulled her buttocks towards him so that his legs were between hers again. “I hope ye dinnae ever change,” he growled into her ear. “I want ye more with each passing day and for all days.”

Elizabeth’s heart raced. Were these words a proposal? A ‘yes’ was waiting on her lips, even though she knew all the problems it could cause, all of the details that would be impossible to work out.

But Liam turned as they heard footsteps in the hall, nearing the library. “Och, I suppose we ought tae return outside. We dinnae want someone coming in, seeing us like this.”

“No, certainly not, but we did not seem to think of that just a moment ago.” Liam laughed and kissed her again before helping her down from the table.