Chapter Nineteen

“For me?” Elizabeth looked down at it, dreading that it might contain a renewal of his fevered words the previous evening.

Lieutenant Stevens nodded. “I shall ready the boat, my Lady, while you read your letter.”

“Thank you,” she said distractedly.

She pushed the envelope open with her thumb and read the words as quickly as she could.

My dear Elizabeth, my dearest love,

I thought it best to leave you to your decision without my presence. I do not wish to pressure you. I will leave you to visit Duart on your own. Angus and I can discuss business another time. I shall see you at the party.


“Are you ready, my Lady?” Lieutenant Stevens called from the shoreline.

“Yes!” Elizabeth hurriedly called back and folded the letter and put it away in her small book.

The trip to Duart was uneventful. Lieutenant Stevens chatted away, and she focused only half a mind on his conversation. She knew it was rude of her, but she couldn’t help but think of John’s letter and the fact that she was about to see Liam again. She didn’t know what it would mean, but her palms were covered in sweat as her nerves rose. Her mind was dreaming up all sorts of things that Liam might say to her.

As the boat slid on Mull’s shore, Lieutenant Stevens helped her out of the boat, and Charlotte rushed down the shoreline and wrapped Elizabeth in a hug. “I know that you sent me a letter and that you were only gone for two days, but I missed you so! It prepared me for when you would leave for good, and I did not like to think of that.”

Elizabeth, too felt like she was coming home again, but she couldn’t let herself yet feel too comfortable. “I missed you too, Charlotte, but your father sends his good wishes! It was so nice to see him.”

“I had no idea that you were going to see him! I thought perhaps you would have wished me to go with you?”

Elizabeth felt a little embarrassed. It was true. She could have asked Charlotte, but she knew what her original task had been. Elizabeth linked her arm with Charlotte’s. “Come. If you have time, there is much to discuss. Thank you, Lieutenant Stevens, for your kind help.”

He bowed his head. “You are welcome, my Lady. Good day to you, Lady MacLean. I shall see you both at the gathering.”

They waved him off as he pushed out into the Sound, and soon they were left alone, walking towards the castle. At any moment, Elizabeth expected to see Liam come out of nowhere, and her heart kept pattering excitedly at the thought of red curls popping into view.

Charlotte giggled. “Oh, I cannot wait to hear what you have to say next. Elizabeth Darling, you are better than reading a novel! I will bring tea, and you, me, and Julia shall have a nice chat. If Julia is well enough, we shall take our discussion to the library. It is the safest, quietest, and most comfortable spot.”

Elizabeth grinned, feeling comforted by her friend’s open and kind manner. “Tea would be excellent, dear friend. Now, may I ask where Liam is today?”

Charlotte smirked. “Oh, how interesting that you should wish to know his whereabouts. It seems every time we see each other, you wish to know where the young man is.” Charlotte’s voice was teasing, but it was not hurt. “He is off assisting Angus with the building of our house near to the castle. It is almost done, and my excitement is bubbling over! I love Duart, to be sure, but how nice it will be to have a home of our own now that we are married.”

Elizabeth patted her friend’s hand, relieved that Liam would be gone for a long while. “That will be lovely, indeed. You can have a family and raise them in their own space.”

“Yes, and I shall feel ruler of my own domain.” Charlotte beamed.

“Will Angus have nothing to say about that?”

“Certainly not,” Charlotte said, her chin high, and Elizabeth laughed.

They wandered inside, and Elizabeth asked a servant to plan a bath for her that evening. Charlotte was off to ask Mrs. MacLean for tea and to speak to Julia while Elizabeth made her way to the library. In the quiet of that upstairs room, Elizabeth felt enveloped in warmth and protection. It was her safe place, so quiet and secluded. She loved the idea that libraries should always be quiet places, good for contemplation and reflection. It was what she so desperately needed.

After a few moments of pleasing silence, Charlotte and Julia bounced into the room, Charlotte grinning widely. “Julia is feeling very well, indeed!”

“Why, that is excellent news, Julia! I am happy for you.”

The dark-haired Lady MacLean grinned and said, “I suppose I am moving along in my time now, and the sickness will not be so bad. I hope so! I am ready to get back to my life!”

Charlotte sat down on the long couch by the fire and patted a seat next to her. “Come, cousin, we must hear Elizabeth’s tale.”

Julia clapped her hands and gathered her skirts to sit down. “Charlotte, we have not had this much excitement since all the drama with you and Angus! I cannot wait to hear what lies next! Sitting up in one’s room all day instead of outside in the world is a fate worse than death.”