Elizabeth loved the sight of their excited faces as they waited with impatience to hear her story. She still did not want to reveal everything, but she needed to know something important. “First, I must both ask you something. Would you say that you would do anything for love?”
Julia and Charlotte looked at each other. “Why, of course, there is nothing else in the world worth having,” Charlotte spoke matter-of-factly.
Julia nodded. “I say that I would. I agree.”
Elizabeth sighed with relief. “So, even if you felt it hurt someone else or broke a promise of some kind, you would still fight for love?”
Charlotte narrowed her eyes. “What do you mean? What has happened?”
Elizabeth swallowed. “So much has happened, my friends, that I do not know quite where to begin.” She took a few breaths.
Julia said softly, “I do believe the beginning is an excellent choice.”
“True. Well, I took your advice. I have…made my comparisons.”
“Have you?” Charlotte’s voice was high and excited, and Julia shushed her.
“We do not want the whole castle to know of it!” Her voice sounded stern, but she laughed as she said it.
Elizabeth nodded. She then explained to them the tale of how she went to the mainland to speak to the women at the house of ill-repute and how she’d come upon Liam instead and changed her plans.
The two women waited, small grins on their faces and their eyes glistening with interest as Elizabeth told them how she and Liam made love in the inn and how it was the most beautiful thing in the world.
“It is rather enjoyable, is it not?” Julia said, and Charlotte chuckled. “What? I was quite surprised at how all-consuming it is.”
Elizabeth nodded. “That is exactly the way I would describe it. I now understand why artists and poets wish to portray it so very often. It is a captivating experience. I shall never forget it for the rest of my life.”
“Continue, Elizabeth!”
She then explained how they fought the next day, and then she was off to the Fort to see Charlotte’s father. Unfortunately, John was there, she told them.
“He came to visit father?”
“Yes. There were some matters he wished to discuss with him. But he had been on his way to Duart to speak to Angus as well about the grazing lands.”
“I see.”
“Well, he and I walked together in the woods for a little while, and he kissed me.”
Charlotte sighed. “And? What do you have to say about it? Did you enjoy it?”
Elizabeth looked down, fearful she might offend either of them for what her heart was telling her. “Well, at that moment, I found that while the kiss was enjoyable, it did not light a fire in me as Liam had. There was not that same connection. It helped me to realize my affection for Liam.”
Both Charlotte and Julia cheered in unison. Elizabeth looked up in surprise. “You are not disappointed?”
“Why should we be? Liam is a fine choice! If you wish to take him, and how does he feel about you?”
“I must speak to him, the sooner, the better, for I know my aunt will not understand my excuses for long. But there is one other problem.” The women waited, their shoulders leaning forward. “John has asked me to marry him.”
As if they were puppets controlled by the same master, their mouths fell open in surprise. After a few moments of silence, Charlotte uttered, “What answer did you give?”
“I told him that I had to think about it. That my future was not entirely in my own hands. I needed time to think, to speak to Liam.”
Julia nodded. “You are wise.” She shook her head. “John Campbell. I cannot believe it! I had no idea that he would be the type to take a wife and so quickly too!”
“Well, I do believe he felt rushed by my short duration in Scotland.”
Charlotte grinned. “Well, I think that you should talk to Liam just as soon as he returns. I am certain you will not be disappointed.”