Julia looked intrigued, and she pushed her soup tray aside. “Ah…and to what does this news pertain?” She glanced at Elizabeth with a smirk. “I have a feeling that is something to do with men. They plague us so, do they not?” Elizabeth blushed a little, but Charlotte encouraged her.

“Go on, Elizabeth.”

Elizabeth looked at the two women, and her heart felt light. No woman she had met with before had treated her with such kindness and openness. She could feel the love in the room, and it made her heart clench with the need for it. Even though she was embarrassed by the day’s events, she still ached for this intimate moment between friends.

She explained to Julia about how Liam had kissed her, how she had slapped him, and how John had asked her to walk that afternoon.

Charlotte’s eyes were bright as she asked, “And how was the walk? Julia, I should tell you, Liam was most uncomfortable with John asking dear Elizabeth for a walk. He attempted to fight him on it.”

“Is that so? My, my, Elizabeth. You certainly are causing a stir here on Mull.” The two women giggled, and Elizabeth blushed once more. Was there no end to her timidity?

“Well, it was a pleasant time.s He asked if I would allow him to come and visit me.”

Julia asked, “And what did you say?”

“I told him that would be acceptable.” Charlotte and Julia clasped hands, their faces beaming.

Julia said, “John is a very good man. I confess there were problems in the beginning, especially with the tension between clans, but now, Angus and Calum treat him as a fellow MacLean.”

“There is more to the story, though,” Elizabeth confessed, wincing a little at the two women’s excitement.

“Oh, do tell us!” Charlotte exclaimed. Elizabeth stared at them both. This might be the last time she could ever share such things with other women, once she was back in London, married off to someone she still had not met. It would be humiliating, but what did she have to lose?