“Good night, my dearest. And to you, Lady Elizabeth. I hope to see you again, although tomorrow I shall be off early to Fort William. Soldier’s business to attend to. You would be most welcome at any time to visit the Fort. It would be nice to have a woman about again!”

Elizabeth nodded politely, and Charlotte’s father left the two of them, standing alone by the hearth, enjoying the heat from the flames when John walked up to Elizabeth, a sheepish look on his face.

He pulled her a little out of earshot of the others while Charlotte spoke to Angus. He whispered, “I am sorry for what ye saw earlier taeday, lass, with the women of the brothel.” He hesitated. “I hope ye were nae greatly offended.”

Elizabeth shook her head. How kind of him to think of her sensitivity. But she felt a little angry that she was considered so well-mannered a lady as to have to be apologized to for having accidentally seen something. “No, John. I was surprised, but I was most definitely not offended. I thank you for your thoughtfulness.”

His handsome features as he grinned down at her with satisfaction sent her heart aflutter, and for a moment, all thoughts of Liam’s kiss had left her mind. Now they were replaced with thoughts of embracing John under the light of the torches, seeing the image of the flames in his eyes.

“Liam!” Charlotte cried. The spell was broken, and with renewed fear and embarrassment, Elizabeth turned to see Liam approaching the small party with trepidation. Charlotte said happily, “Welcome. We have a large party this evening, Angus. I wonder you did not invite Liam to dinner?”

Angus shrugged. “The lad wished tae eat with and speak tae Mrs. MacLean before he came upstairs. I called him tae discuss business.”

Elizabeth looked from one expression to the next. Charlotte looked positively gleeful. Liam had at first looked like an animal caught in a trap, fearful and wary, but now she could see his whole body tightening as he glanced at John, standing just a little bit too close to Elizabeth. Angus looked satisfied with himself, and Elizabeth idly wondered if he had attempted to create this awkwardness to entertain himself and Charlotte.

Surely, he wouldn’t think of such a thing? Feeling like everyone could see the way the flush that was creeping up her neck and onto her face, Elizabeth decided to simply look down to avoid it all. How could she possibly look anyone in the face at that moment?

“Aye, Charlotte. I have come tae see Angus.” He nodded to Charlotte and paused at Elizabeth as he was making his way toward the study. She looked up once she saw the top of his boots enter her gaze. His green eyes were watchful and observant, and Elizabeth couldn’t help but stare back at him. For a moment, the room and its occupants were gone, and it was simply them silently discussing what had occurred between them earlier.

Elizabeth flushed even more as she saw his heated glance, and her body responded in kind, filling with warmth with a dull throb erupting in her center. “Lady Elizabeth,” he said. “I hope yer return tae Duart on the horse was safe enough.”

Elizabeth wasn’t sure if anyone else could hear the sultry tone in his voice. It felt like a private joke between them. She clasped her hands together for lack of anything else to do. She nodded, her blonde curls bouncing pleasantly on her shoulders. “Yes, thank you. The ride was very pleasant.”

Liam coughed and said, “Aye, ‘tis a pleasant Isle. Ye never know what wonders ye may come upon unawares.”

Elizabeth’s eyes widened as she understood his meaning. And if she wasn’t mistaken, she thought the man had actually winked at her. John’s wink had seemed fun and appropriate, but Liam’s held something teasing in it. She looked up at John’s face, wondering if he had seen what had transpired. He looked thoughtful but not angry. Perhaps he had not seen it?Oh God, I pray that no one else saw that but me and that it was just in my imagination. I cannot have the whole Isle know of my indiscretions and my wicked deeds and thoughts.

Clearing her throat, Elizabeth replied weakly, “Yes. Yes, it is very beautiful. I hope I have the chance to ride out again.”

At her words, Liam looked cheerful. He nodded and left with John and Angus after the men gave their goodbyes to the women. Elizabeth wanted nothing more than to dive into the flames of the fire and forget everything had happened. Had she just implied to Liam through her speech that she wished to repeat the kiss they had shared?

She shook her head. While thoughts of being a dangerous, wild woman with no thought to what others would think had thrilled her to the core, now that it seemed as if everyone knew of her interest in the two gentlemen, she was so embarrassed she could barely stand. Was not one embarrassment enough for the day with Fergus and Brea finding her in Liam’s arms?

She thought that wine and a good bath could cure her fears, but apparently, it was not so. But perhaps it was merely the presence of John that embarrassed her so. It discomfited her to think that he might find her too wanton for accepting an invitation to walk with one man and kissing another in the very same afternoon! Not that she should care about his opinion when she knew that he also had frequented the brothel and had a regular woman there.

However, her stolid, religious upbringing told her that she was in the wrong, throwing herself about town, as it were, and now this was her great punishment. To be humiliated in front of everyone. For a moment, she had forgotten that Charlotte was in the room. Charlotte slid to her side and placed a hand on her arm.

“Elizabeth, are you all right? My goodness, what was that that just occurred? I never felt so much tension in my life. And with you and two men, in fact!”

Elizabeth groaned audibly. She sat in the chair in front of the fire. It was perhaps time she told Charlotte all about what had happened that afternoon. She could not bear this all alone.

Charlotte sat next to her, her eyes wide and curious. Elizabeth began slowly, “I am well, in body, of course, but I confess I am completely embarrassed.”

“Why? To have two men practically in love with you and fighting over you is not something to be embarrassed about. It is something to be proud of, to proclaim from the rooftops! Why should they not love you?” Charlotte laughed.

Elizabeth said, “I have never experienced something like this before, but that is not quite what my embarrassment is about.”

Charlotte furrowed her brow. “What is it?” Elizabeth was about to reply when Charlotte said, “Wait. Let us go to Julia. Of the three of us, she is by far the most experienced, for she has now been married the longest. And she will be in want of a bit of company, I am sure.”

Charlotte took Elizabeth’s arm, and the two of them walked upstairs to Julia’s room. “Will she not be resting?” Elizabeth asked.

“Would you not wish for extra company when you must so very often excuse yourself from mealtimes and gatherings?”

“Ah, yes. You are correct.” They arrived in front of Julia’s room, and Charlotte knocked on the door before entering quietly. Julia was sitting up in bed, a bowl of soup before her.

She looked pale at first, her dark hair throwing her skin into sharp contrast, but her face brightened instantly as the women entered. “Charlotte! Elizabeth! You have come to save me from the very bowels of boredom. I am so glad you are here!”

Charlotte flopped familiarly on the bed next to her cousin. “Dear Julia, we have the most interesting news to share with you and thought that a full conference of women would be most acceptable in this matter. Have you any wine?” Without being responded, she found the wine on a nearby table and poured a cup for each of them.