Chapter Ten

“Well, John touched a lock of my hair and spoke of his attraction.” She paused, wondering whether or not to tell them about the prostitutes. After a moment, she realized that it was not her secret to tell, and so she moved on. “Then, I retired to the library for a moment alone, but Liam came to find me.”

Charlotte grinned. “Did he now? And what did he say? My goodness, you have had the most thrilling day!”

Elizabeth did not like the satisfied expression on Charlotte’s face. It was as if she knew something that Elizabeth did not. “He asked if I would like to take a walk with him on another occasion. I asked if he meant a walk like the way that John had invited me to walk, and he said yes. But he wasn’t kind. In fact, he was rather sharp and rude. Therefore, I refused him.”

Charlotte’s eyes opened wide, and she burst into laughter. “So, you did! Elizabeth, you entertain me endlessly. I told Liam he was too afraid to ask you, but he insisted.”

Elizabeth wondered what that meant. Did Liam not really want to walk with her? Well, he had appeared quite sullen when he’d asked her. Yet the way he had kissed her back told that there was something in it. Maybe. Perhaps.

“I see. Well, there is still more to the story, I am afraid.”

“Go on,” Julia said, her eyes interested.

“I went to ride, as I told you, Charlotte, for a bit of time away and to see the beauty of the Isle on my own. I apparently rode to the very hill upon which Liam’s house stands.”

Charlotte placed a hand on her chest and shook her head in incredulity. Elizabeth went on. “I only realized when he’d approached me. When I saw him, I was at first so struck by the beauty of the view below me that I forgot all about our argument in the library and any discomfort between us. And then, I could not believe it. He apologized.”

“He did? Liam, I am very much impressed. I told you he has his moments of kindness and sense.”

“Yes. He did. And what an apology it was! I was dumbstruck by that as well, and I did something.” She swallowed, nervous to tell the rest of her tale. Her whole body tingled anew at the thought of it. “Something came over me. I do not think that I can describe it very well. It was like something took control of my impulses, and I,” she paused once more. “I kissed him.”

Elizabeth closed her eyes as she said the words. Putting description to them made them real, and she still couldn’t believe her own strange and still unfamiliar boldness. To kiss a man without being asked? To show her desire for him so openly and obviously? It was shameful.

Julia and Charlotte were silent for a minute, but then Charlotte said, “Elizabeth Darling, I am happy to say I am very proud of you. I feel that I have nothing left to teach you!” Julia laughed, and Elizabeth looked between the two of them, a little confused.

“What do you mean? You are proud that I kissed a man so brazenly and openly?”

She touched her fingers to her mouth, wanting to cover up the source of her embarrassment.

Charlotte reached for her. “Of course, I am! You have made a choice to enjoy your time, and enjoy it, you shall! Do not let anyone try to tell you otherwise. Men kiss women all the time. Why is it that women cannot do the same?”

Julia nodded. “Besides, we have done the same thing with our current husbands.” She laughed. “It seems that Sassenachs get put under a spell when they arrive in Scotland. All it takes is a Highlander to make a woman think differently about everything and put a little fire in her heart.”

Elizabeth felt a wave of relief. “Is that true? You have done the same thing as me? But certainly, you have not considered two men in your mind as men who have taken your fancy?”

Charlotte giggled with delight. “Elizabeth, you are absolutely wonderful! You think both of John and of Liam, do you not? Even if Liam is the only one you have kissed? I tell you, you must get John to kiss you, and then you can decide between them!” She shrieked with laughter, and Julia chuckled

“That could be one way.”

Elizabeth was entertained but still felt a little disheartened. Would her conscience allow her peace if she was to go about kissing two men and trying to compare them? What must the men think of her if they knew?

Julia continued. “And yes, Elizabeth. Charlotte is right. We both kissed our husbands in strange circumstances. My husband kissed me while he was sleepwalking, but I did nothing to stop him, even though I was meant to be a servant for a brief time. It was my first kiss.”

Charlotte chimed in. “And I kissed Angus against the stone wall of the Great Hall after dinner alone together. He most certainly did not expect that.” Charlotte blushed a little, and Elizabeth felt a little bit better, knowing everything that her friends had done.

She sighed. “So, I am not a terrible sinner for having done what I have?”

“Certainly not!” Charlotte smiled. “I think that strict society and the lessons of your father have sown their seeds in you long enough. As I told you, you must enjoy yourself on your trip. Are you sure that you will not be able to stay even longer than you originally thought?”

Elizabeth’s shoulders sank a little. While she loved the intimacy she shared with her friends, she still felt that she couldn’t tell them of the promise to her father. They might try to make her change her mind, but she could not see a wait out of her promise. She could not lose the last bit of respect that her father had for her, and she wanted to do one last thing for her Mother. She shook her head.

“I cannot. I expect a letter within a few days from my aunt, possibly the first of many, trying to get me to return. I expect I will be only able to stay a few weeks at most.”

Charlotte looked relieved. She glanced at Julia, smiled, and said, “Well, that is much more than I expected. There is plenty of time to weave your tangled web of men and see just what happens. I want you to promise that you will not feel guilty about what you do.”

Julia nodded. “We women should be allowed to love who we choose and do what makes us happy. I feel that Scotland is a place for liberation!”