Hollis darted from the room as Fin dashed over to the hearth, quickly filling a mug from the pot of mulled wine that hung over the fire. He turned and handed the mug to Mira, who wrapped both of her hands around it, drawing the warmth into her body. Her teeth chattered, but she managed a weak smile.

“Are ya all right, lass?” Fin asked.

She nodded. “I will be.”

The door to the office burst open, and Hollis rushed in with a bundle of dry clothes, a towel, and a thick cloak. He set it all down on the desk and turned to Fin, seemingly unsure of what to do next.

“I couldnae find a fur,” he said. “I kent the cloak would be good enough.”

Fin nodded. “Excellent. Thank you, Hollis.”

“Yes, thank you,” Mira replied.

Fin cleared his throat. “We’ll give ye a minute to dry off and dress. Get yerself sorted,” he said. “We’ll just step intae the hall.”

“Thank you,” she said again.

Fin started to move, but Hollis remained where he was, rooted to his spot, his gaze lingering on Mira. A small laugh escaped her, and Fin saw her cheeks bloom with color. He grabbed Hollis by the arm and dragged him out, chuckling to himself all the while. He pushed his friend into the hallway and closed the door behind them to give Mira some privacy.

“And ye say I looked like a besotted little girl,” Fin laughed.

“What? I didnae.”

“Oh aye,” Fin replied. “So those werenae wee hearts floatin’ above yer head.”

“Shut it, bampot,” Hollis said, but even he chuckled and looked away.

They stood leaning against the wall for several long moments in silence. The only sound was the crackling of the fires in the torches that hung in sconces along the wall. They cast a flickering light, alternating orange glow, and black shadows, making the ground seem like it was writhing, like a living creature.

“What dae ye think the message is?” Hollis asked.

Fin shook his head. “I daenae,” he replied. “But for her tae ride out at night, in the middle of a storm like this… it cannae be good.”

“Aye. I thought that as well.”

The door to the office opened, and Mira poked her head into the hall. She gave them both a wan smile.

“I am ready,” she said softly.

Fin led Hollis back into the chamber and closed the door behind them. Hollis grabbed one of the chairs that sat before the desk and brought it over to where Fin and Mira sat near the hearth. Fin had poured him and Hollis a mug of the mulled wine and handed it over. They sat back and waited for Mira to speak.

She was a beautiful woman, even soaked to the bone, and with her hair in a wild, tangled mess. He could see why Hollis was so taken by her. But to Fin, as beautiful as Mira was, she did not hold a candle to Ivy. Mira sat with her hands still wrapped around the mug, staring down into the liquid. Fin watched the tendrils of steam curling up and out of the mug, drifting lazily upward.

Finally, Mira looked up, and met Fin’s gaze with surprising strength. He could see it in her. From the set of her jaw to the stiffness in her spine, Mira radiated strength and determination. He admired that about her.

“Castor has taken Ivy prisoner,” she said. “He has thrown her in the dark cells beneath the keep.”

Fin’s eyes widened, and his heart lurched. “When? What happened?”

Mira shook her head. “I do not know everything. All I know is that she overheard something she was not meant to,” she replied. “And Castor has deemed it necessary to keep her locked up until this entire affair has been settled.”

“What affair is that?” Hollis asked.

“Whatever the difficulties Castor has with the Duke.”

“And dae ye ken what that is?” Fin asked.

She shook her head. “I do not. I did not have time to get all of the details from Ivy,” she said, sounding miserable. “She simply asked me to ride like the wind here to fetch you.”