Fin exchanged a dark look with Hollis as a thousand different thoughts rocketed through his mind. Mira looked up at him, pleading.

“Please, My Lord,” she said. “You must come to Elix. You must help rescue the Lady Welton from the dark cells.

“I’m nae a Lord,” he says with a growing weariness of making that correction.

Sitting back in his seat, Fin sighed and took a long swallow of his mulled wine as he turned the problem over and over in his mind. He looked up at Mira again and saw her eyes fluttering. She looked exhausted and entirely wrung out by her ordeal. Fin supposed he could not blame her.

At that moment, there was a knock at the door, and it swung inward. A young steward named Ewan stepped in and looked startled to see three pairs of eyes turn to him.

“Beg forgiveness, My Lord,” Ewan said. “I just wanted to stoke the fire in the hearth, if you do not mind.”

“Please,” Fin said. “And when yer done with that, if ye’d show the Lady Mira to a chamber for the night, I’d be in yer debt.”

Ewan sketched them all a short bow and then carried out his duties swiftly and efficiently. Once the fire was roaring again, he turned to Mira.

“I will take you to your chambers, My Lady,” he said.

Mira cast a pensive expression at Fin, and he thought she was trying to work up the stamina to pass on sleeping and work with them further. But the exhaustion took hold of her, and she simply gave Fin a grateful nod.

“Thank you, My Lo-,” she cut herself off, a shy grin touching her lips. “Fin. Thank you, Fin.”

“Ma pleasure, Ma Lady,” he replied.

“Aye. Mine tae,” Hollis jumped in.

They watched her go, Hollis’ eyes lingering on the door long after it had closed. As if he realized what he was doing, he cleared his throat and turned back to him. Fin was tense, his heart hammering inside of him as his stomach churned. He tasted bile in the back of his throat, and a deep, dark rage burned deep within him.

“So, I assume we’ll be leavin’ for Elix first thing in the mornin’,” Hollis said.

“Rain or shine, we’re goin’,” he growled. “Tis time tae put an end tae Castor bleedin’ Welton once and for all.”