This man was just some weirdo who decided to walk into the wrong mechanic shop.

“My name is Dralle.”

I didn’t think and just spoke without stopping myself. “I’m Heather.”

He nodded like he knew that, and this felt worse somehow.

Even sicker was that some part of me was really into this strange and quiet man. He was a weirdo, but he was good-looking, and his voice… I knew better, though.

“Look, I’m still riled up from that last customer. Unless you want me to have to push you around too, get out of here.”

“I wouldn’t mind if we got hands-on,” he started walking towards me.

My heart was beating very hard in my chest, but I didn’t know what to do.

It felt like he was going to touch me, or kiss me, or- I wasn’t sure what, but there was a tension in the air I’d never experienced before. I could smell his cologne, and his dark eyes traced over me like he was trying to memorize everything.

Instead of touching me, though, he stopped less than a foot away.

“I’ll come back, then. That customer won’t bother you anymore.”

My mouth popped open in surprise, and I wanted to ask him what he meant, but he was already gone.

Face red hot, my blood rushing through my veins at a million miles an hour, I had to sit down. The mess was still on the floor when my brothers got back, but that didn’t matter.

Who the hell was that man?