
She wasn’t what I expected.

When my brothers and cousins brought back their fated mates, they’d brought back mostly soft women, who were able to slip into the roles of a princess or queen very easily. This woman was something entirely new.

Her short black hair tied so tightly up away from her face, those big brown eyes.

Heather was like a tiny jaguar, a wild animal that was ready to take me down for even stepping into her territory.

It flared a heat in me I couldn’t swallow down.

Instead of letting this heat take over me and allow me to consume all of her, to take her in my hands and feel those tight curves hidden beneath her baggy tee-shirt and shorts, I left. There were more important things to do. Taking flight, I slipped down the road after the roar that matched the bike the customer before had been driving. He had a gun tucked into the back of his pants.

She didn’t know how close she was to ruining everything.

My wings were light and quiet, a deep green that matched the trees I glided over. His balding head of hair whipped around in the air as he drove, and I thought about how easy it would have been to knock him off of the road. Going without a helmet meant that even if he flew twenty feet after I hit him, the cause of death would still be the lack of a helmet. I could get away with it if I wanted to, but that wasn’t what I was there for.

I wasn’t doing that anymore.

Instead, I waited until he got to a portion of road I knew many didn’t drive down, and I stayed in wait.

Shifting back to human form, I pulled on my clothes and stood in the middle of the street ahead of him. I could hear him swerving around a curve, and I waited to see how he’d react. He moved to go around me, but I walked clearly in front of him.

I could see his face change to one of anger.

Slowing down his bike, he started trying to shout at me over the roar of his motorcycle. He pulled out his gun, and it was showtime.

I had… a civilized talk with him.

He nearly soiled himself, and I was surprised to find he wasn’t even a shifter.

No wonder he carried around a gun.

By the time I was done with him, he had to get out of there like a dart, going as quickly away as possible.

The following day I was watching her shop as he returned.

If it had been just three years earlier, I would have killed him. This was better, though. She’d have to be married to me before I’d kill for her now.

Watching from nearly a quarter mile away in my dragon form, I smirked as I watched him sincerely apologize to her. She looked shocked and defensive and then relieved as he left. When he drove away, leaving her with a tip I didn’t even tell him to pay her, she stepped out of the garage and looked around.

Was she looking for me?

My chest swelled, and I thought again about going in and kissing her.

Telling her that it was me.

Claiming her.

The Seer didn’t warn me about this.

I had no idea she would affect me this strongly, and yet my pulse was rushing away hard and fast. She walked back into the shop, and I couldn’t resist checking out her round little ass as she went.

“Her name is Heather; she works in an auto body shop in Ember Abyss,” the Seer had said. Her eyes were deep with knowledge beyond her years, despite her wrinkled hands and the crinkled lines at the corners of her eyes and mouth.

“What’s she like?”