Page 79 of Encore



Jem steadiesme with a hand on my arm. I never thought I’d want to hug Jem, but right now, I could kiss my confused ex-nemesis, and break down in tears. If anybody won’t stand for this shit, it’s Jem.

“What the fuck is happening, Sky? What is she doing here?” he hisses.

“I didn’t ask her,” I reply. “I—”

“Jem! Omigod! It’s been months!” Lily steps past me as if about to hug him, and he holds his arms in front of himself to stop her. Her face creases with disappointment before she perks up again. “Are you hungry? We’re eating dinner and have plenty to share.”

“No. Sky?” He drags hair from his face, as if it would help the situation’s clarity.

“Lily stopped by unexpectedly,” I say.

“So you didn’t invite her?” he asks.

“What the fuck? No!”

“Excuse me,” says Lily. “I am here and can hear you. All I’m doing is looking after Sky.”

I pull a face at Jem and tip my head, pleading with him to sort the situation before things become heated with the girl standing behind me. How unstable is she? There’s no way of predicting what Lily might do.

“I think you should leave.” Jem straightens and jabs a finger at the front door. “Now.”

“We haven’t finished eating.” Lily turns back to the dining room.

I mouth “Did you call the Dylan or the police?” at Jem. He frowns and shakes his head. “Ohmigod, Jem! Didn’t you think it was odd when you called and Lily answered?” I whisper.

“I came over to check on you, isn’t that enough?”

I rub my head and swallow down the growing panic. “We need to leave,” I urge and push him towards the door.

“She needs fucking arresting. If we leave, she gets away with this. I’ll call them now.”

“Call who?” Lily reappears from the dining room.

“You’re an intruder. I’m calling the police.” Jem whips his phone from his pocket.

Lily knocks it from his hand. “No! Don’t you dare! All I’m doing is helping, aren’t I, Sky? Tell him. He doesn’t understand.”

“For fuck’s sake,” mutters Jem and leans over to pick up his phone. “Fucking psycho.”

“I said don’t!” Lily slams into Jem, and he’s knocked sideways, taken by surprise, stumbling into the wall. I stare in horror as Lily grabs the phone and hurls it across the hallway where it bounces off the wall and lands on the tiled floor with a loud crack. “Nobody calls anybody.”

“Lily!” I shout. “Stop this.”

“He’s spoiling our evening!”

Jem regains his footing and grabs Lily’s arm, roughly shoving her towards the front door. “You. Fucking go before I do something I’ll regret!”

His grip fails as Lily drags her arm away. “Don’t touch me, Jem,” she growls, “Or I’ll have you arrested for assaulting women again.”

For a moment the two stand off with Lily blocking the door, her height allowing her to stare straight into his eyes. If I wasn’t shocked by what was happening in front of me, I’d run. Jem reaches out for Lily again, anger clouding his face, and a different panic rises.

“Jem. Don’t,” I say in a low voice. “Don’t make this worse.”

The stalemate continues, and I’m blown away by this girl’s bravery and audacity. The cramps in my back from today intensify with the panic, and I need to sit down. This baby’s too heavy for standing in hallways arguing with mentally unstable women.