Page 80 of Encore

“Fine, I’ll get my bag.” Lily sidesteps Jem and heads to the kitchen.

I tremble and look desperately at Jem. “We need to get out of here.”

“Police first. Where’s your phone?”

My instinct still tells me to run but, dazed, I nod at Jem’s control of the situation. “Handbag. Near the door.”

Jem places a hand on my shoulder. “You’ll be okay. I can deal with her.”

Resting my aching body against the wall, I whip my head between Jem heading to my bag, and the kitchen. Lily steps out of the room and the surreal becomes too real at the sight of the large knife in her hand.

“Jem!” I call.

“We all stay here and are nice to each other.” Lily points the knife at me and looks at Jem. “Put the bag down!”

Jem freezes, and when he steps closer, Lily crushes her fingers around my arm, pointing the knife between me and him.

“This isn’t being nice though, Lily. You’re scaring me. Please put the knife down,” I say in a low voice.

“Sky wants me to stay, Jem. You’re spoiling our evening.”

I tremble as the knife presses against my arm and will Jem to do something. “Put the fucking bag down, Jem,” she growls.

“Put the knife down. You’re frightening Sky.”

“Not until you move.” She points the knife towards the dining room. “Go in there.”

“I’m not leaving you with Sky.”

He steps closer to Lily, and she whips the knife around to point at him instead. “Don’t you dare touch me again.”

One knife, one girl, two of us. Surely we can deal with this.Jem, do something.He rubs a hand across his mouth. “Lily. This won’t achieve anything. You don’t threaten friends with knives.”

“I only want Dylan to talk to me. If I stay here long enough, he’ll come back.” Her voice breaks, and the cool metal touches my skin as she holds the knife against me instead. “Dylan and me, we’re meant to be. He loves me. He’s always loved me.”

“Lily. You know that’s not true,” I say.

“Yes, it fucking is!” She shouts at me, and I recoil. “You need to stop coming between us, or I’ll make sure you’re gone for good!” She narrows her eyes at my belly. “Both of you.”

The sudden shift in mood edges in a more sinister motivation here, and Dylan’s words about her cutting the baby out of me echo.She wouldn’t.I gasp for breath and wrap my arms around my baby. “Lily, please. You can be part of our life, okay? I’ll talk to Dylan, and I’m sure he’ll agree. But right now I need to be alone.”

“Tellhimto stop. He’s going to call the police!” She jabs the knife in Jem’s direction

I rest my head on the wall, legs heavy as I support the baby’s weight. “Maybe you should leave, Jem.”

“Oh, no! No, he doesn’t, hewillcall the police.”

Jem’s eyes dart between us, as he sizes up what to do, face hard. With a knife between us she’s subtly threatening to use, I don’t want him doing anything to inflame the situation. I give a small shake of my head and he nods at my stomach.

“Sky hasn’t felt well today, that’s why I came over,” he says. “I wanted to check on her too.”

“Oh?” Lily looks at me. “You never said you weren’t well. See, it’s good I came to look after you.”

My eyes water in pain and confusion, her change back to nice again hurting my head to join my backache. I clutch onto Jem’s words. “I need to sit down. Pains.”

“Are you in labour?” she asks. “Now?”

How naive is this girl? Did she think I’d suddenly go into labour, or if I thought I was earlier, would I return home and not take myself to hospital?