Page 42 of Say You Promise

"Yeah, I like it, but I thought Aunt Sara likes cars?" Shrugging off my comment as if her wants don't matter, he says, "She likes whatever I like." I fake a laugh and internally seethe.

I decide on Ruth Chris Steakhouse, knowing he wouldn't expect anything less than an expensive lunch when he's probably putting it on the company card. When the waiter approaches, he orders a glass of wine, knowing he shouldn't have a drink at lunch. It's against corporate policy.

We work in a manufacturing facility. If anything were to happen at work, there would be a lawsuit and unwanted attention brought to the company from OSHA and the FDA. He's such a prick.

"So, how are you liking your first official week at Reds?"

"It's been good just getting my feet wet. I have a ton of ideas for marketing campaigns and new product avenues for us to explore."

"Well, I'm sure you'll take the company to new heights as long as you stay focused. Just make sure you keep your head out of the samples."

I almost choke on my water in surprise. What is he talking about? Keep my head out of the samples? Before I can question him, he continues with the seediest-looking grin on his face.

"I've seen you talking to Maria's daughter. She's a hot young piece of ass, but she's not right for you and will only bring down your reputation. Your best bet is to stick with Carson. Her family comes from a sound background that will look good on your father's campaign trail."

Is this guy fucking serious right now? Who does he think he is telling me who I can and can't date? I'm about ready to tell him off when it hits me. How would he know I have anything serious going on with Gianna?

She told me not to tell anyone, and we only officially hooked up last night. I try my best to school my expression and keep it neutral to not give anything away when all I really want to do is punch him in the face for talking about my girl like she's some piece of trash. He's the fucking gold-digging leech in the family.

"I'm not sure what you're talking about, Eduard. I was in training with her last week, so naturally, we ran into each other. I'll be at the fundraiser with Carson."

My eyes stay locked on him to ensure I don't miss one moment of his reaction to my words. He holds my gaze, but in my peripheral, I see his fist clench, and there it is, the sign I was looking for. He's hiding something, but what could it possibly have to do with Gigi?

"I must have read it wrong. I'm glad to hear you're not slumming it."

Now I know he's trying to get a reaction out of me, but how would he have any idea that those words would provoke me unless he knew I was lying about my relationship. I flatten my lips together and say, "Yeah, maybe you should get a new source."

I want him to know I'm onto him. I won't let him think he's got me by the balls for one minute, not to mention I don't care what anyone thinks about my relationship, but I gave Gigi my word, and I plan to keep it. I’m not going to out our relationship until she’s ready.

The waiter comes at just that moment with our food, and for a split second, I see rage cross Eduard’s face, but it's gone just as quickly as it came. He has a reputation for getting what he wants through manipulation and fear. People at work fear that if they don't do what he wants, then because he's family to the owner, they'll get fired.

If the fear tactic fails, he uses manipulation, playing with people's emotions and making them question their choices. I've always seen right through him, and he knows it. That's why he's mad. He's not getting his way with this fake lunch, but what I haven't figured out is what he wants.

The rest of the lunch is uneventful as he tries to discuss work with me to save face, but it's a lost cause, and he knows it. I pay, and we leave.

It'sjustpastfivewhen I get home, and I'm starting to wonder if Gigi is standing me up. I know she gets off work at four every day, and I only live fifteen minutes away.

Last night when I asked her to stay with me tonight, her eyes lit up like a kid on Christmas. I couldn't keep the smile off my face in return, knowing that spending the night with me made her that excited.

I need her bad. My nerves are shot after the lunch I had with my uncle this afternoon. There is no reason Gianna’s name should be leaving his lips. He's up to something, and I haven't figured it out.

Heading for the wine fridge, I grab a bottle of red wine and pour two glasses before turning on some R&B. Miguel's "Adorn" comes through the speakers just as I hear a soft knock on the door. I can't help the smile that takes over my face knowing she is on the other side of the door.

When I open it, she's there with a bag slung over her shoulder. Bending down, I swoop her up into my arms and spin her in excitement. She lets out a squeal before I set her down. Quickly I close the door making sure to lock it before turning to say, "No interruptions!" She laughs, "Yeah, those fuckers seem to be obsessed with us."

Swiftly, I cut the distance between us and sweep her into my arms again. I just want to hold her, she wraps her legs around my waist, and I walk her to the kitchen island where I set her down.

Just touching her calms me down and settles all my inner turmoil. Burrowing my face in her neck, I inhale deeply before planting open-mouth kisses from her shoulder to the spot behind her ear she likes. Lightly I suck when I feel her pulse beating beneath my lips. Goosepimples break out over her skin, and I move on, leaving a trail of kisses across her jaw before reaching her mouth and taking her silky soft lips in my mine.

Gently I tease her lips open, seeking out her lush tongue. She fists my shirt in her hands pulling me closer, and that's all the encouragement I need to grab her hips, pulling her forward so that I am firmly planted right between her creamy thighs. Her skirt has ridden up to her waist, and I can feel the heat from her center between us.

Slowly she releases her hold on my shirt trailing her fingers down my stomach until she reaches my belt. She glides her hands along my waistline from front to back, sending white-hot pleasure up my spine. I moan into her mouth as her tongue plunges into mine with long, delicious strokes. Her hands move under my shirt, exploring their way up my back, racking my body in shivers. I can't help but smile at how my body responds to her. Never has a woman made me feel this way.

"What's funny? Why are you laughing?"

Shaking my head in amusement, I kiss her forehead sweetly in reassurance.

"Nothing's wrong, baby. You're so fucking perfect it's scary."