Page 43 of Say You Promise

She's still looking at me with concern etched on her face. Stepping out of her thighs, I fix her skirt before reaching behind her to hand her a glass of wine.

"Baby, I want you so bad. I want nothing more than to feast on your sweet ass pussy right here on my kitchen counter while you scream my name, but I also want to date you. That means I need to wine and dine you."

Her face flushes with embarrassment at my brash comments, and I love it. I like to make her squirm. While she may seem uncomfortable with my vulgar words, I know they make her pussy wet. I want her wanton and begging when I let her come later.

I watch her take a sip of her wine, and I smirk. Her eyes narrow in question. "Now what?"

"It's nothing really. I just think you're cute when you blush."

The doorbell rings, and she shoots me a suspicious look. "Don't worry, it's just dinner." She hops off the counter as I make my way to the door to grab the food.

Making my way back to the kitchen, I notice she's texting on her phone, and that reminds me of my lunch with Eduard. Since I spent the afternoon racking my brain for any potential connections. All I could come up with was maybe Maria said something to him.

"I ordered sushi. I probably should have asked if you liked it first, but if not, I have frozen pizza we can throw in the oven." She smiles. "I'm not picky. I like trying new foods, but I happen to love sushi, so we're good."

She helps me lay out the food on the island before us, and we sit to eat. Sitting there watching her eat, I can't help but think how mundane this is eating a meal with her in my kitchen, but how at this moment, there is nowhere in the world I would rather be.

"I have something I need to ask you. What does your mom think about you seeing me?" With this question, I figured I'd kill two birds with one stone. One, I find out what her family thinks about us dating, and two, I can deduce if Maria mentioned something to Eduard. I watch as she stops chewing her food and then looks at me wide-eyed in surprise.

"What do you mean what does my mom think? I haven't told my parents about us. There wasn't really an “us” until last night."

I don't know why those words burn as much as they do but fuck if they aren't a knife to the heart. She's been mine since the moment I laid eyes on her, but the sobering truth is those feelings haven't gone both ways.

"What did you tell your mom last night after I dropped you off?"

Hopping off the stool next to me, she walks over to the sink and pours out her wine only to fill the glass with water. I watch as she almost drinks the entire glass before setting it down ever so gently as if my question made her nervous.

"Sorry, I had too much wine first and not enough food." Holding her gaze, I wait for her to answer the question I asked, and when she doesn't, I rephrase it.

"Gianna, who does your mom think you were with last night." I'm currently sitting on my stool with my chin rested on my hand, feigning nonchalance, but inside I'm boiling over. She fidgets with her sleeves before answering. "I told her I was with Mason, which wasn't a complete lie."

Calmly, I get up from my stool, walk over to the bar in the corner, pour myself two fingers of Macallan, and shoot it back in one go.

When I turn around, I find her looking at me with her arms crossed over her chest like she's mad at me.

"We talked about all of this at the office this morning. You agreed we wouldn't tell people about us yet."

She's not wrong, but I assumed she would at least tell her mom. Don't girls share everything with their moms? It pains me knowing that she doesn't want to tell anyone about us. While I understand it, that doesn't mean it doesn't feel like a punch to the gut that my girl doesn't want to claim me the way I do her.

Then as if to rub salt in the wound, she says, "My mom knows Mason. It's not uncommon for me to come home late when I'm with him."

Closing my eyes, I grip the edge of the countertop hard in an attempt to calm the raging inferno building inside me. Unfortunately, she realizes a second too late that she chose the wrong words to say to me.

"Oh my god, August, I'm so sorry. That came out wrong." Rushing over, she throws her arms around me from behind. "Please don't be mad at me." I push off the counter and peel her arms off me, needing the space. I don't want to touch her when I feel this way.

"Sorry if hearing that Croft is the better boyfriend for you doesn't elicit the response you expected." I can't keep the venom out of my tone, and honestly, I don't want to.

Her hands fly to her mouth, her face stunned by my reaction no doubt. I can see the apology in her eyes before she drops her head and heads toward the couch, where she dropped her things when she came in.

"I'm sorry, maybe this is too much too soon. I shouldn't have come here tonight."

Fuck I scared her. As much as I want to stand my ground on this, I don't want her to leave. "Gigi, I didn't mean to—" She puts her hand up to stop me as she picks up her bag.

"August, I never meant to hurt you, but you have to understand how incredibly insane this is. We've known each other for less than a month. I'm trying, I really am, but where I come from, there's no knight in shining armor, no frog that turns into a prince, there's no happily ever after where any of this is my reality. Clearly, this is overwhelming for both of us."

She starts walking toward the door, but I reach out and grab her wrist before she can make it there.

"Gigi, I can't let you leave. I'm not sure why you're fighting this, you've been fighting me since we first met, but you can't deny the chemistry we have. You feel it every time I'm near, every time we touch, every time our eyes meet and you see into my soul. I scare you because I've done in just a few weeks what no man ever has. I make you feel alive. I've awakened a part of you that you didn't know was there, and I know this because you've done the same for me."