Page 41 of Say You Promise

Crossing my arms, I bring my fist up to rest under my chin, giving her my best-relaxed look as if to say I'm listening.

"I don't want people to know we are seeing each other."

My eyebrows go up in surprise. I wasn't expecting her to say that. Most women want to be seen with me, but her admission is also one of the reasons I’m attracted to her. She sees me for me, not what I have. Rubbing my forefinger across my lips, I try to find my words, but she beats me to it.

"Hear me out before you say anything."

Peering up at me through her thick lashes, I can clearly see that she is worried about how I will react. Immediately I assume she wants to keep it quiet because of Croft. My adrenaline starts pumping at just the thought.

"I just started working here full time, and I don't want people to treat me differently because I'm with you."

When I first found out how old she was I had similar thoughts, but once I decided I was all in I knew I would simply flip the script. I would protect her reputation at all costs. I’m instantly relieved at the conversation's direction. My body relaxes, and I reach her in two large steps. Pulling her into me, I place a kiss on top of her head.

"Baby, first we are together, there is no question, and secondly, my name will do nothing but open doors for you. This is a good thing."

She quickly pulls away and puts yet another table between us. She knows this infuriates me.

I say her name in a curt tone and gesture with my finger for her to return to me. But, instead, she puts up her hand to say she's not done.

"I don't want handouts. I want to work my way up on my own merit. I want to earn people's respect and not be judged for who I'm dating. Dating you doesn't look good for me. I'll look like I'm trying to sleep my way up the corporate ladder. People will think I'm a slut, or simply young and naïve."

She drops her head and mumbles to herself just low enough that it's barely audible. "Maybe I am."

I’m going to act like I didn't hear those mumbled words because I don't want to get mad. I understand where she's coming from, and while I don't care what other people think because I already know she and I are end game, she has yet to realize that.

If I want her to see what I already know, I need to give her the time and space. I want to be the one she trusts and confides in. I want to be her everything, and that can't be forced. Closing my eyes, I take a deep breath before saying, "I'll give this to you for now, but just so we are clear, you are not my secret."

She visibly relaxes and then comes around the table to throw her arms around me in an embrace.

"Thank you. This means a lot to me." I pull her chin up so that she's looking at me.

"That's the only reason I'm agreeing to this, and Gianna make no mistake, this is temporary. Everyone will know you're mine." I lean down to finally get the kiss I’ve wanted since the moment I walked into the room, but she pulls back yet again. “Gianna, please just let me kiss you.” She’s giving me a nervous smile, so I run my hand tenderly down her back in reassurance.

“One last request?” Her tone is meek this time which is a new one for her, and because there’s nothing she could ask that I wouldn’t give, I say, “Anything.”

“If things don’t work out between us promise me you won’t fire me or my mom. I really need this job August.” My eyebrows shoot up in surprise. Those were not the words I expected. I’m not sure what hurts worse, the fact that she doesn’t see this ending well, or that I gave her the impression that I would ever be so cold. My hesitance to respond has her nervously fidgeting in my hold to get away, which only makes me pull her tighter.

“Baby, I can promise you that I will never do anything to hurt you.” When I look down into her eyes, she whispers, "Okay," before I finally taste her lips. Her body melts against mine, her sweet mouth parts, and my tongue finds hers briefly before she pulls away. I let out a frustrated growl at her abrupt retreat, as she dares to smile.

"Save all that for later, not here." She throws me a wink before retreating to the door.

That woman is my fucking kryptonite. I have never felt such an innate all-consuming connection to a woman in my life. I need her like I need air to breathe. I wake up thinking about her and go to bed dreaming about her. From the minute I laid eyes on her, she has become my everything.

This day has gone by so slowly. While I've been in meetings all morning, my head has been consumed with thoughts of seeing her tonight. It's now lunchtime, and if I could, I would have met her at the coffee shop, but my uncle Eduard wants to talk about possible marketing strategies for brand growth.

Times like this, I wish I was interested in this shit just so that my time didn't feel so entirely wasted. The only bright side to starting my legacy at Reds has been her. I'm doing this for my dad because it's what's expected of every son. For the past four generations, every son has taken over, but this isn't me. It's not what I want.

I'm waiting by my car for Eduard when he finally decides to show up.

"Sorry I took so long. I was going over my calendar with Lena." Lena is his personal secretary. He's the only salesman with a personal secretary. It's just one of the many perks my dad affords him, but lately, I've wondered if anyone else has caught on to the fact that Lena seems to be in his office more than not. The man is shady. I've never trusted him. He does what suits him, and I'm almost certain he isn't faithful to my aunt. I feel like he's an opportunist. He saw a woman with a trust fund and leeched on.

Shrugging my shoulders, I say, "No big deal. Where do you want to go?"

He walks around to the passenger side door of my car and says, "You're driving, so you pick."

Of course, I'm driving. The dick thinks I'm his chauffeur. I hop into the driver's side of my Mercedes G-Wagon, and no sooner than I start the engine, he's saying, "Your aunt has been wanting a new vehicle. You like this?"

He's rubbing the leather interior of the captain's seat and checking out the backseat. I give him a half-smile trying to play it cool as if I didn't notice him checking out the roomy rear.