Page 63 of Finn

The three of us lean on the counter, watching the room––Connor with Alex at the table, chatting, and Niamh sitting with Seamus, looking a little close. Ronan is sitting next to Connor, watching Liv and Maddie, the man is intense. I turn to look at Bella, then I look at Kill.

“Brother, why is your fiancée trying to kill you with a look?”

He looks at Bells and sighs. “She’s pissed I won’t let her go meet her Da for lunch. Thinks I’m being unreasonable.”

“And are you being unreasonable? Can she not take extra security? Hell, can’t you go with her?”

“We have enough problems; I’d like to deal with just one thing at a time. I don’t trust her Da and I don’t have the energy to figure his shit out on top of everything else.”

I get why he’s so worried. Her Da’s a piece of shit. We need to figure out why he’s back in her life. I just hope it is because he misses her. My phone beeps, and pulling it out of my pocket, I notice it’s a security breach at Connor’s. Getting my brother’s attention, I tilt my head towards the office, indicating for them to follow. I place a kiss on my woman’s head, and one on Maddie’s, because she’ll be pissed if I leave her out, and then head to Da’s office.

Ronan closes the door as I take a seat at the desk, opening the laptop and logging into our security system. My brothers crowd around me as the monitors come to life. I sigh when I see who’s on the video.

“Fuck,” Killian exclaims at the same time Connor yells, “Fucking bastard.” Ronan growls and starts to pace. Trashing Connor’s apartment is Vincenzo and Liam. It doesn’t look like they are looking for anything, it just appears like all they want to do is trash the place.

“I need to get over there.” Connor moves to leave when Killian grabs him by the arm.

“Absolutely fucking not.”

“That’s my home, that’s Lex’s home, I can’t just let them trash it.”

“The last time Liam was in one of our homes, he killed one of us.” I don’t think Kill meant it as harsh as it came out, but it got his point across. Deflated, Connor takes a seat on the desk.

“I’m sorry, Con, I know you want to stop them, I know you want to protect your home, but let’s just let this play out and see what they do next.” Killian places his hand on Connor’s shoulder, and Connor gives him a nod then lets out a breath.

We spend the rest of the day watching as they move around each of our homes, trashing them, creating maximum damage. We’re pissed. We could go and take extra security with us, but it’s not worth the risk.

I’m still running facial recognition software, trying to track Anjelica through the city. There has been no sign of her since she was picked up on the feed at the Plaza.

My phone and my computer beep, alerting me to another breach. I click on the warning and text my bothers to come back in here, just as the feed from the club comes up. I watch them smash the windows, overturn tables and chairs, and trash behind the bar.

“What’s going on?” Connor asks as he makes his way over to me, Ronan right behind him.

They both sigh when they see what’s happening at the club.

“Where’s Kill?” I look at Connor who gives me a shake of his head.

“Arguing with Bells when I passed their room,” Ronan tells us with a shrug of his shoulders.

“We have got to do something. We can’t just let them trash the bar, that’s one of our sources of income, and we can’t leave it closed. It’s one thing trashing our homes, but our business is another issue.”

“I agree, Con, but not sure Killian will be happy if we go there.”

“Go where?” Killian comes in on the tail end of our conversation. I look up at him, and he looks pissed.

“The club.”

“You’re not serious, Connor? It’s too fucking dangerous.”

Connor grabs the laptop, spinning it to show him the screen, and his rage increases. “For fuck’s sake. I’m sick of these fuckers.”

“Connor, call security, make sure we have enough here. I’ll arrange for the others to meet us at the club. Let’s get there and get it sorted so we can get it opened asap. Ronan, you stay here with the women, and Finn, bring your laptop, I want you tracking these fuckers.” Killian storms out of the room while the rest of us just watch.

Chapter 44

Connor and I enter the club through the back, with six of our security. Killian is entering though the front with another six.

As we make our way through the back, we see the destruction they have caused. The stock room has been trashed––there isn’t a single drink that hasn’t been spilled across the floor.