Page 64 of Finn

We make our way into the office. The sofas have been torn to shreds, and the desks have been smashed and overturned. I turn to my right, letting out a sigh when I see the wall of monitors smashed, not a single one intact.

Fucking raging, I storm out, heading to the front of the club to see what waits for us. As I walk into the main room, I see Killian standing in the middle of the room, surveying the damage. The vein above his eye is pulsing, it’s not often that happens, so he must be really pissed.

The bar area has been smashed up, every glass and alcoholic drink has been thrown across the entire room, and every inch of the floor is covered in glass. All the tables are smashed and overturned, the DJ booth trashed, and the front windows have been smashed.

The glass under my feet crunch and crack as I make my way to Kill. “We need the windows replaced today. I don’t care what it costs, get them fucking sorted tonight.” He hangs up the phone then looks at me. “How’s the back?”

I shake my head. “Same.” I wave my hand around the room, indicating it looks exactly like this.

He nods his understanding as Connor comes up. “I’ve got the guys clearing up the back rooms, the toilets, storage rooms and the office. I’ve called our supplier and they can get a small supply to us tonight, but it won’t be enough to open. They’ll have us fully stocked by tomorrow afternoon.”

“Thanks. Look, I’m going to stay here and help with the clean-up. You two should go home and see your women.”

“You’re not serious? You really think Connor and I are going to leave you here alone to sort this out? You’re an idiot. I’m heading in the back to sort the office and to try and arrange replacement monitors. I have cameras we can replace in here, and I’ll make them a priority, get them up and running and at least we can have access to our devices. I need to head home for the cameras then back to Ma’s for some supplies. I’m gonna take a couple of the guys with me, I’ll be as quick as I can.”

“Hey…” Killian stops me, a look of worry crossing his face. “Be careful, okay?”

“Yeah. Yo, Rhys, Davis, you guys are coming with me,” I yell across the club as I make my way out back to the car.

Thirty minutes later, we’re pulling up outside the house. I can see the door ajar from here, and we all get out of the car, pulling our guns out as we head to the door. Davis puts his arm out in front of me. “Let me go first, sir, stay behind me.”

I nod as Rhys takes up the rear. We silently make our way through the ground floor of the house, making sure we clear every room as quickly as possible.

Once the ground floor, the garage and the grounds are clear, I head back into my office. Rhys stays at the door while Davis follows me in. “Sir, we’re going to clear upstairs, please stay in this room until we come back.”

“Got it, be careful and hurry, I’ll be ready to leave in twenty.”

“Yes, sir.” He gives me a short nod then heads out the office, leaving me alone. My office is completely trashed, so I go about picking up the things I need from the floor, placing each item in a box on my desk. Thankfully, my desk is bolted to the floor so I didn’t have to go about picking it up.

It takes me longer than I thought to collect everything, given I have to search for it around the room. Checking my watch, I realise I’ve been in here for around forty minutes. Wondering where Davis and Rhys are, I pull out my phone to check their location. Both are pinged at the front door. Figuring they are waiting out there for me to finish, I make my way over to the bookcase. I’m about to open the secret panel when I hear a noise outside of the office. Turning my head, I look over to the door. “Davis, is that you?”

No answer.

I wait for a minute, not hearing anything else, thinking my mind’s playing tricks on me. I open the panel and pull out the spare cameras and place them in the box on the table. I only have eight here, and it won’t be anywhere near enough to cover the club, which is why I need to go to Ma’s. Rory told me he had a stash delivered there before he died. I haven’t needed them, so just left them where they were. There should be at least twenty at Ma’s, and with the eight I have, it will be enough to cover.

Double checking the box, making sure I haven’t forgotten anything, I hear a noise behind me, and before I have a chance to grab my gun, someone smacks me in the back of the head with something heavy. I’m stunned for a minute. I shake my head, trying to clear the spots, but before I have a chance to react, they hit me again. I can feel my legs giving out, and the last thing I hear is a laugh before my world turns black.

Chapter 45

I can’t explain it, I just know in the pit of my stomach something isn’t right.

“Sweetheart, everything is fine. You have to trust us. The guys just had a few things to take care of, they’ll be back soon.” If Ronan tries to placate me one more time, I’m going to kill him.

Frustrated, I take a seat next to Mary, and she places her hand on my back, rubbing in circles. “Stressing isn’t good for you or my grandbaby. Even I don’t know what’s going on.” She shoots Ronan daggers across the room, and I have to stifle a laugh. “But whatever it is, I’m sure they are fine.”

Maybe they are right? Maybe it’s the hormones making me crazy? I sigh, flopping back into my seat when Alex takes a seat next to me, handing me a glass of water. “I put extra ice cubes in for you.” I smile, taking the glass from her. I don’t if it’s the pregnancy, the heat, or both, but I crave ice cubes, like all of the time. Finn goes mad when I’m always munching away on one, but I find it cooling and soothing.

Maddie climbs up onto the sofa with us and Mary sticks on a Disney movie to distract us from whatever is going on. I settle in, with Maddie tucked into my side, and I feel my eyelids getting heavy. I make it twenty minutes into the movie before I fall asleep.

I jolt awake, anxious and sweaty from the nightmare I just had––the same one that plagues my dreams every night. The content changes, but the outcome is always the same. I come home to find Finn and his brothers dead, when José grabs me. I don’t wake screaming as often, but I always wake sweating. I rub my hands across my face when I realise the TV is off and everyone has gone. I’m guessing they all went into the kitchen or the garden to let me get some rest. I search for my glass of water, when my phone vibrates. Forgetting the water, I grab for my phone from the cushion beside me, noticing I have three missed calls from Finn and a couple text messages.


Answer your phone.

Come on, Cara, talk to me.

I need your help.