Page 25 of Finn

Confused, I look at the non-descript card and then to Finn. “It fell from the desk when I grabbed the laptop. What is it?”

He leans across me, sliding the card back to him and picking it up, ready to pocket it, when I surprise myself and grab for it, stealing it from him and holding it away from him. “Tell me what it is.”

He shakes his head. “Hand it over.”

“Tell me what it is and I’ll hand it over.”

“You aren’t ready to know.”

“Don’t presume you know what I’m ready to know. Tell me.”

He sighs and places a forkful of lasagne into his mouth. I sit and watch him, making sure the card remains just out of his reach. He finishes the bite in his mouth and then places the fork on his plate.

“It’s an access card.”

“An access card to what? Don’t be vague, just bloody tell me.”

“It’s for a sex club.” He watches me to see my reaction, but the only thing I feel right now is confused.

“A sex club? So, you pay women for sex?” I’m surprised. The guy is a God with his chiselled jaw, bright green eyes and red hair, his muscles––dear God, his muscles––the array of tattoos on his hands and the ones that creep up his neck, they all add to his appeal. The night I saw him in the club back home, I’d watched the women flock around him, trying to get even a morsel of attention from him, but he’d given them nothing. I hadn’t seen him look at anyone except for me, and I’d thought at the time it was just because I was Seamus’ little sister.

Little did I know less than two hours later, he would be taking my virginity.

“Cara?” He pulls me from my thoughts, and I realise I’ve been staring at him.


“It’s fine, but I don’t pay woman for sex, I pay for the privilege of being a member of an elite sex club, where like-minded individuals go to enjoy themselves without judgement. Yes, I have in the past had sex there, but I don’t always go to have sex. There are many forms of entertainment in that club and not all involve having sex.”

He reaches forward, tucking hair behind my ears, his finger gently tracing the lobe. The movement cause flutters in my stomach. He leans in, whispering in my ear, “After we’re married, I’d like to give you your first experience of the club, and I think you’ll enjoy it.”

Chapter 16

When she brought out that card three days ago, I didn’t know what to tell her, but when she pushed, I decided the truth was probably best. I’d watched her face for even the smallest of reactions, but the only one I saw was confusion. I couldn’t work out what her confusion was, but I didn’t want to get into it there and then. Before she had found the card, she had been pretty excited to talk to me about something, and I wanted to hear what had her so excited.

Her face lit up with excitement as she sat there and talked me through her thoughts, ideas, and her designs for the office. I was completely in awe of her. She even had opinions on the best types of equipment I should use. So while she talked through it all, I’d made some notes on what was best to start with. I want to have it in the room ready for when she gets back from dress shopping with the girls this afternoon.

I tried to go with her, but she wasn’t having it. She said it was unlucky for me to see her in the dress before we got married, so I’d conceded defeat and agreed to stay home on the condition that she take extra security. I didn’t tell her that Ronan was going to be part of that security team today, I didn’t think it was wise to stress her out anymore that she already was.

Closing the door to the office, my phone alerts me with a message as I head to the front room to wait for my girl.


We have a problem, call me.

I hit the call button and Seamus answers before the first ring has even finished. “What’s the problem?”

“Da. He’s in fucking New York.”

I jump up from the sofa and head back into the office to load up my laptop. “You’re sure?”

“Course I’m fucking sure. The men that are loyal to me, they called and let me know. He got on a plane last night and landed sometime this morning, only I can’t figure out where the fuck he is, Finn. Where the fuck is my sister?”

Shaking my head at his tone, I load up the tracker on my laptop. “I’m giving you a pass on your attitude because you’re worried about your sister, but if you speak to me like that again, I’ll put you on your arse. Cara is dress shopping, her tracker is still in the same location as the rest of the women, her security and Ronan. She’s safe. Let me see if I can find your Da.”

I enter the details for Seamus’ Da then shoot off a blast message to Ronan and the security team while I wait for the location to load.
