“This is going to be hard and fast, princess. I need to fuck you, but tonight, I promise, I’m going to worship every inch of your body.”
I kiss her, removing my fingers, swallowing her cry as I slam my cock into her, forgetting she’s new to this. I feel her tense around me. “Shit, I’m sorry, princess.”
“Don’t be, just fuck me…”
Chapter 15
I blink a few times, letting my eyes adjust to the light. Every inch of my body aches––the good kind of ache though.
I lost count of how many orgasms Finn gave me last night, and after taking me so hard on the entry way table, he carried me upstairs and took me against the shower wall. I didn’t know sex could be like this. I didn’t know I would enjoy it so much. I smile at the memory of him bending me over and fucking me from behind. I stretch out my body and turn to his side of the bed, only to see he’s gone and a note on his pillow.
Had to go to the club to finish sorting out the security system. I Promise I won’t be too long. There is fruit in the fridge and some pastries on the side. The coffee is on (decaf, of course) and I’ll bring lunch home with me. I have plans for us for the rest of the day.
Please don’t leave the house. If you want to go out, call me and I’ll come and get you.
Make sure you rest, and I’ll see you soon.
Love Finn x
I smile at the note and roll over onto his pillow. It smells like him, woody with a hint of spice. I pull his pillow to me, breathing him in. It’s not the same as having him here, but it will have to do. I can’t believe how open and caring he’s being, and it gives me hope that this is going to work, that one day he might learn to love me.
I get up, shower, and then have breakfast before wandering around this big old house, not really knowing what to do with myself. I tried calling Seamus to see if he fancied coming over for a coffee, I miss him so much, but the call went to voicemail, and he hasn’t called me back yet.
So here I find myself, sitting in the chair in Finn’s office, trying to readMiseryby Stephen King, but I can’t seem to concentrate. I’m distracted, wondering where Seamus is and how long Finn is going to be.
Deciding the book isn’t enough, I find some paper and a pencil on his desk and start sketching out a layout of how I think the office should look. By the time I’m finished, I’ve made a list of everything needed to decorate, and now I’m online, looking for new equipment that would help him with his security––not that I don’t think they have a good enough system, but I just think that with a few upgrades, it would be better, and he wouldn’t have to keep going to the club to fix any issues. He could do it right here from his office.
I’m adding things to an online note I can send to Finn, when I scream in fear as a hand lands on my arm. “Woah, easy, princess, it’s me… I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you, but you were so out of it. I did call your name a couple of times. Are you okay? Talk to me.”
My breathing is rapid and shallow, and I hold up a finger, letting him know to give me a minute. Fucking hell, I got the fright of my life.
“Are you crazy? You scared the fucking shit out of me. I almost had a heart attack.”
“I’m sorry, princess.” Sorry my arse. I see the smirk on his face as he stands in front of me, his hand still on my arm, his other in his pocket.
“Wait, I thought you were going to bring food home?”
“I did, princess, it’s in the kitchen, which was where I spent ten minutes calling you from.” He tries to lead me into the kitchen, but I stop him.
“Give me five minutes, I have something I’d like to show you.”
He watches me for a minute, and I suddenly feel very self-conscious and nervous about my designs. I give him a weak smile and then shake my head. “You know what, it’s okay, never mind…”
Two strides and he’s in front of me, his hands cupping my cheeks. “Princess, breathe. You can have ten minutes while I go plate up our lunch.” He pulls me to him, his mouth instantly connecting with mine, and I slide my tongue past his lips, swirling it around his mouth. I feel him smile against my mouth as I slide my hands around his back and lower them, grabbing his arse and squeezing. He groans and pulls away.
“If we don’t stop, princess, we won’t be eating… ten minutes and I’ll see you in the kitchen.”
I watch him walk out of the door, then head over to the desk and grab the laptop and my notes. Just as I pick the laptop off the table, a key card falls to the floor from underneath it. I bend down to pick it up. The card is matt blank on both sides, with a gold lock on the front in the centre and on the back. There are two gold letters, ‘F.O’. Curious, I add the card to my things and take it with me.
I head into the kitchen and see Finn sitting at the island, plates of food waiting along with some garlic bread. He turns to me when I enter and has the biggest smile on his face, which instantly makes me smile.
“There is an Italian down the road, the best in the city. They do the best lasagne and garlic bread I’ve ever tasted. Come, sit, show me what it is you want me to see while we eat.”
I place everything on the counter and climb onto the stool next to him. I’m excited to show him my designs, but the look on his face stops me in my tracks. “Finn, is something… have I done something wrong?”
“Where’d you find that?” He indicates to the card with a flick of his head.