Page 68 of Finn

“Baby, please say something,” she pleads with me, but I can’t, not yet, just a minute more.

Pushing her forward a little, I let myself slide from the chair, falling to my knees, and I grab her hands and bow my head.

“Finn, baby, please talk to me, I need you to say something…”

I raise my eyes to look at her, only slightly raising my head. “You are my queen, my warrior. I never gave you enough credit. I knew you were strong, but I just didn’t realise how strong you were. I’ll never underestimate you again. And I will spend the rest of our lives worshipping you, every minute of every single day. Thank you, baby. Thank you for being my wife, and for saving my life today.”

I see the tears pooling in her eyes, but she never lets them fall. I want to kiss her, I want to show her exactly what she means, but my strength begins to fade. She sees my weakness and leans forward, pulling me to her and wrapping her arms around me.

She places a kiss on the top of my head, then I hear her calmly state, “We need to get him to a doctor, now.”

I blink a couple of times, watching my brothers’ feet shuffle around, and then Killian kneels in front of me, his hand resting on my cheek, and just for a moment, I show him as I lean into his touch, letting him see a glimpse of my weakness. “You’re safe, baby brother, we’ve got you. You’re going to be fine.” I give him the ghost of a smile, because honestly, anything else is just too much, and then my eyelids drop and I let the darkness swallow me.

Chapter 48

His injuries were too severe. The doc arrived at his house and declared there was nothing he could do there and called for an ambulance. They blue-lighted him all the way here. I left my men at the house to deal with the police and the clear up. I’m not worried about the cops, we have most of them in our pocket. They’ll take a vague statement then leave, closing the case as a burglary gone wrong. Anjelica’s dead men on the lawn will serve as the scapegoats.

While we waited for the doc, my men made sure the rest of the house was clear. They confirmed that Rhys and Davis had been found with their throats slit upstairs. I don’t know why they were separated from Finn, and I can only assume they cleared the ground floor then went upstairs to clear the rest of the house while Finn stayed downstairs thinking it was safe. Their phones were found by the front door, we have no idea why they didn’t have them on them.

My heart aches as I look around the waiting room at my family. I’d called them to let them know what had happened, and only minutes after Finn was rushed through to accident and emergency, the entire family arrived. Nobody had wanted to wait at home.

Two hours later, we’re still sitting here, waiting on news.

Ronan has his arm around Liv, with Maddie curled up in his lap asleep. I’d told them to go home a little while ago but they refused, said they were going nowhere until we knew what was happening. I see the pain in his face, the fear, despite his piss poor efforts to hide his feelings.

I catch a glimpse of Niamh and Seamus coming through the door with drinks for everyone. They had gotten up fifteen minutes ago to go grab them. They seem to be getting really close, and I’m starting to wonder if something is going on with them. But that’s a problem for another day.

Alex is sitting, holding Connor. He’s had his head in his hands since we got here. This is all too real. The pain of losing Rory is still fresh in our minds, even though it was more than twelve months ago. None of us can forget the gaping hole he left.

I cast my eyes over to where Ma is sitting with Bella. My woman looks tired. Thankfully though, she seems to have let her anger go from me refusing let her go see her Da, and hopefully now she can see why I made sure she was locked up tight.

She’d ran right to me when she got to the hospital, encasing me in her arms. She’d held me until I felt like I had the strength to let go. I’d sat next to her for nearly an hour before I realised that Cara had no one. She was sat in a chair alone by the door––everyone had someone but her. And despite how strong she’d been at the house, she looked so small and young waiting by the door.

The guilt I felt when I saw her sat alone felt like a crushing weight on my chest. I jumped up, giving Ma and Bells a nod. They knew where I was going. I sat down next to her, and she gave me a hint of an acknowledgement before turning to the door again, but the moment I pulled her to me, she broke, and I held her until she cried herself to sleep.

She was unbelievable tonight. I totally understand what Finn meant when he said she was a warrior. I hadn’t realised until that moment, but she had been so focussed and controlled every second we were in that house. She’d never made a sound when she saw Finn, never reacted to Anjelica, not until the moment she raised her gun and put a bullet in her head.

When I opened my eyes, it was Anjelica who was on the floor. I’d looked across at Connor and he had shaken his head then indicated to Cara. It was only then I realised it was her who had pulled the trigger. The pride I felt in the moment was only overshadowed by the relief I felt knowing my brother was still alive.

I see a nurse head to the reception desk, followed by a doctor. They talk for a couple of minutes then head into the waiting room. “Finn O’Farrell’s family,” the doc calls out, not realising every person in this room is his family.

We all stand when we hear her, and she takes a small step back in surprise.

“All of you?” she asks to Cara and me.

I nod, while Cara answers, “I’m his wife, and everyone else is our blood.” The doctor nods and respectfully acknowledges everyone in the room.

“My name is Doctor Jennifer Evans. I have been treating Finn. I’m sure you’re aware that Finn suffered a serious assault. He sustained several blows to the head, and we believe he has a concussion, but there doesn’t appear to be any permanent brain damage. This will be closely monitored while he’s in the hospital and he won’t be discharged until we’re satisfied there is nothing to worry about.”

We breathe a collective sigh of relief, and the doc gives us a minute to digest that small piece of information before continuing. “There was some internal bleeding, and we have repaired a small tear in his spleen. He has a dislocated shoulder, which I believe was reset at the scene––we have checked it over and it’s looking good. He will need to rest his left arm for a while though. He has eleven shallow knife wounds to his side, they’ve been stitched and there should be minimal scaring. He also has significant bruising, around eighty percent of his body, which should clear in around two to four weeks. There were also three dislocated fingers on his right hand, and two on his left.”

I feel Cara shake beside me, and glancing down, I see the tears falling down her face. I pull her to me as the doc reaches for her, rubbing gently on her arm. “I know it sounds really bad, but his injuries could have been a lot worse. I believe with plenty of rest and no stress, Finn should make a full recovery.”

“Thanks, doc. Can we see him?” I know she won’t let us all in, but my brothers and I need to lay eyes on him, and so does Cara.

“He’s in recovery right now. Two visitors can go in at a time once he’s cleared and back in his room. Give it a couple of hours, and Anne here”––she points to the nurse beside her––“will come and get you.” She gives us a nod then turns on her heel and leaves us to process.

Chapter 49