This man will be the death of me. “Baby, what are you doing? Stop it,” I yell at Finn as he pulls the drips out of his arm and hands.
“I’m not staying here, princess, I’m going home.” I huff then take a seat in the chair next to the bed. I’m sick of arguing with him, it’s someone else’s turn.
Just as Finn is about to say something, the doctor walks in and raises her eyebrows at Finn, then levels her gaze at me. I raise my hands in a surrender motion. “All you, doc. This pain in my arse won’t listen to me.”
She picks up his chart and flicks through it before looking at him. “Mr O’Farrell, how about you give me another forty-eight hours and then I’ll discharge you?”
“Sorry, doc, I’ve been here for eight days already. I need to go home.”
“I really think that you should give us another couple of days to help you recover––”
“Look, doc, I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, but the only thing that is going to help me recover is being at home with my wife every single day. How about this for a compromise, I promise to stay in bed at home for the next two days, and I’ll have our doc check on me three times a day?”
I lean back in my chair and watch the little stand-off between them. They stay like that for several minutes before Doc Evans huffs, “Fine,” and then storms out of the room.
I turn to Finn to see he has the biggest smile. I shake my head in frustration.
“Baby, don’t be like that, I hate being away from you.”
He holds out his hand for me, so I get up to take it as he pulls me to him. I cup his face, running my thumbs across his cheeks. “Finn, maybe you should stay for a few more days? Just a couple until the doc is happy.”
“You not want me to come home, baby?” I see the hurt cross his face, and it makes my heart hurt.
“Of course I do, but what if you need help? What if I can’t help you?”
He chuckles and kisses me. “You saved my life, woman, you’ve got this. Besides, we’re still staying at Ma’s, so there will be plenty of people around to help.”
* * *
Finn was right about him coming home, there really wasn’t anything for me to worry about, and his recovery was so much quicker. He’d done as promised and stayed in bed for two whole days, and then he moved to the couch. We agreed to give him his laptop after another day, so he could do some security work from home, mainly to keep him occupied and stop him being grumpy. The man does not like lying around.
We finally moved back home two weeks ago––almost three month we’d stayed with his ma. The guys wanted to make sure that we were all safe enough, and our security teams have been increased, and until we know where everyone is, none of us are allowed to leave the house alone.
Vincenzo and Liam were last seen stepping off a plane in Italy, about three weeks after Finn’s assault, and they haven’t been seen since. And no matter how hard we’ve tried, we can’t seem to track them.
José, however, is easy to track. The psycho has no fear. We tracked his movements between Mexico, Ireland, Italy, and the States. I still get threatening calls and messages from him when he lands in America, but the moment he steps off the plane, I’m placed into lockdown in different locations––it’s getting really fucking old moving about.
Seamus stayed here after Da realised he wasn’t going to help him hand me over. I tried reaching out to him, but he says that unless I’m prepared to come home and marry José then he wants nothing to do with me. Da is still running the clan back in Ireland, and he thinks that his men are all loyal to him, but he couldn’t be more wrong. Sure, there are still some who stand by him, but for the most part, they’ve all sided with Seamus. They try to keep me out of it, conversations stop when I walk into a room, but I know they are planning to overthrow Da, with the O’Farrell’s help.
I get that they are trying to protect me, but they don’t need to. Don’t get me wrong, I love my Da, or a part of me still does, but I’ll never be able to forgive him for everything he’s done. He deserves everything he gets.
I pull my leggings over my baby bump and tuck in my tee. I place my hand in the centre of my stomach and rub when I feel the baby kick. I swear this kid wants to kick its way out.
“Oh, my little bean, not long, just three more weeks then we get to meet you,” I whisper to my bump. I’m so excited to hold my baby, but at the same time, I’m terrified. Terrified of giving birth and terrified of having to look after another human, one that is completely helpless. A wave of fear crashes through me, and I close my eyes, taking a deep breath, when I hear glass shattering downstairs and men shouting.
Panic fills me, and I grab my phone, calling Killian. He answers in one ring. “Hey, Cara, my brother driving you mad?”
“Something’s wrong. I heard glass breaking and men shouting downstairs.”
“Where’s Finn?” His voice is calm, not giving any indication he’s worried.
“I… erm, I don’t…”
Tears fill my eyes and fear starts to take hold when Killian yells down the phone, “Cara, breathe, I’m already on my way. Now, where is Finn?”
I take a steadying breath. “Dumplings. He went to get me dumplings.”
“Cara, panic room, go now. I’m five minutes out.”