When he nodded, I took no joy in that.

Okay, maybe a little.

Fine, a lot.

But I’d stepped into enough interpersonal relationship roles to act them out that I knew this stuff forwards and back. My real-life experience may have been lacking, but I knew the workings inside out, and could recognize what I saw in front of me.

All my problems came when it was time to stop acting, and do it all for real.

“I’m not interested in beefing with you,” he said, pulling me from my musings. “And maybe there wouldn’t be any hard feelings on your end, you’d “deal”, whatever… I’m not interested in that.”

“Whatareyou interested in?”

“The same thing I’vebeeninterested in. Since that first night at Urban Grind.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Okay… and what’s that?”

“You,” he answered, simply. “There’ssomethinghere, waiting for us to dig in and discover it. I’m drawn to you, like a fucking magnet. And I know exactly how corny and cliché that sounds, but whatever, I’ll take it. I’ll be that. But I’ll also be all up in your face, until you convince me otherwise,” he chuckled, slipping his arms around me to pull me into his body.

I didn’t resist it.

Didn’twantto resist it.

For as much as my feelings had been hurt, as angry as I’d been… I knew it was probably time to let it go. I had no reason to not take him at his word, to give him the chance to prove he really understood what the problem was, and act accordingly.

I wasn’t exact, quite,all the wayready for that.

“I hope you talked to her. Cause I’ma hurt her feelings if I do it.”

“Maybe more than her feelings – you know the only reason she didn’t press charges is because none of us saw anything, right?”

I laughed. “At least four of you saweverything.”

“Nah, nobody saw it,” he said, shrugging, and this time… I caught what he was saying. “But anyway…yeah, I talked to her. And she wasn’t happy about it, but whatever. Exchanging ink work for loc retwists wasn’t really a fair trade anyway.”

“No, it wasn’t,” I agreed, with a deep sigh that shifted the air between us again.

NowI was ready to move on.

“I need to get in the shower, and get to bed. You joining me?”

I bit down on my lip, considering his offer.

Ithadbeen like two weeks since he’d finally given up the draws, and the memory of it was imprinted in my mind.


And he certainly was making it sound very appealing, with his hands at my waist drawing me toward him, but…

“I think I need a few minutes. So I’m gonna pass,” I told him.

He nodded. “Okay. We’re good?”

“We’re good.”

We were.
