He showed me to his room and then disappeared into the attached bathroom – a few seconds later, I heard the shower come on.

It wasn’t until then that I could really…breathe.

Hours ago, I’d been snatched from sleep by the awareness that something was wrong, and I’d been on a rollercoaster since then. The heightened adrenaline, the anger, and now the confusing ass feelings Tristan brought up…

I needed some quiet.

So I took it.

Not thinking about the overwhelming flow of emotion it would bring about.

One moment I was seated on the edge of Tristan’s bed, almost too distracted for further musings about it being my first time seeing it. The next, my chest was heaving, cheeks burning as I dropped my face into my hands, breaking into unexpected sobs.

Tears I’d been fighting for a long ass time.

Reinvention was hard.

It was hard, and confusing, and frustrating, and… painful.

Yes, it was also gratifying, and enlightening, and wonderful, but when it was mixed up with everything else, it all felt like too much.

This wastoo much.

I couldn’t keep fighting it.

So I cried, until my throat was aching and my eyes stung and my head was throbbing, but the tears kept coming and coming – I couldn’t stop.

Then Tristan’s arms were around me.

I wasn’t expecting it, and didn’t know I needed it until it was happening, but I was so fucking grateful. He was something tangible I could tether myself to, sinking against his shirtless, still-damp chest to calm myself.

He said…nothing.

Which was exactly what I needed.

Just the silence, the warmth of his body, the comfort of his arms, the soothing familiarity of his scent, his presence… justhim.

It felt like a long time before I was able to calm myself enough to lift my head, dragging my puffy eyes open to look Tristan in the face.

“Tell me what’s going on?” he said, posing it as a question even though it was clearly an imperative.

I shook my head. “It’s just… a lot.”

“Because of me. And the break in?”

“Some of both. Plus some other stuff.”

“Stuff like…?” he cupped my face in his hands, wiping my cheeks dry with his thumbs before coaxing my gaze to his. “I know you’re my mystery woman, but you don’t have to keep everything so close to the vest.”

I let out a sigh. “I actually kinda do,” I said.

“Because of your past life… whatever it is you’re rebuilding from.”

“Pretty much.”

“So… Kiara was right then?” he asked, in a teasing tone. “You really are an assassin…the girl they send for the princess’ throat,huh? Or will you have to kill me if you tell me?”

I sniffed, shaking my head again. “No, I wouldn’t have to kill you. I just… I don’t want to be defined by what I’ve left behind. Even though it’s… a pretty defining thing.”