“No, I’m back around to telling you whatIwon’t deal with,” I snapped. “And it’s exactlythis.This thing between us is new, and fragile, and yet your connection to your ex is your clear priority.Notwhat might be happening with us. And I don’t accept that. I may be new to my own relationships, but I’mverywell-versed in bullshit. And for all your charm and whatever the fuck else…you’re full of it.”

Tristan blew a heavy breath through his nostrils. “So…what are you saying? If I don’t fall in line with whatever demands, you don’t wanna do this anymore?”

I shook my head, fully irritated, but also…resigned. “No. I’m saying that I won’t settle for you maintaining a relationship with an ex who has such clear disdain for me. I’m setting the tone right now. If your supposed friendship with her is more valuable to you than what could be with me...I suggest that’s what you should give your attention to.”

With that, I turned to leave, easily shaking Tristan off me when he tried to stop my exit.

“T, hold up,” he asked, but I shook my head as I stepped through the door.

“You let me know what you decide is more important to you.”

When I turned the corner to leave, the first face I saw was Nya, grinning from the doorway of Tristan’s inking room.

“Trouble in paradise?” She asked, clearly thrilled to have been the catalyst for friction between me and Tristan.

That smile dropped from her face as I headed straight for her.

I wasn’t even thinking anymore - what was there to think about? I was sick of this bitch and I needed her to feel it in a way that words didn’t seem to get through to her.

Like my hand around her neck.

Likebothhands around her neck, while she wasted what little breath she had screeching and flailing helplessly until Tristan and another artist managed to pry me off her.

Damn shame.

“Sh-she tried to kill me!” Nya sputtered, her face streaked with tears as she scooted across the floor where she’d fallen to get away from me.

“If I was trying to kill you, you’d be dead,” I told her, shaking the hands off me and then stomping back down the hall toward the exit.

“Temp, what the fuck was that?!” Tristan called after me, following me down the hall.

“It was me making a point - I bet she won’t say shit else to me,” I shrugged.

“Yeah but she might press charges.”

“And I’ll beat her ass for real then.Fuck her.Or hell, maybe I shouldn’t say that to you.”

He sucked his teeth. “Man, come on with that shit.”

“Noyoucome on. Unless I’m still being unreasonable.”

From there, I really did leave, exhausted at this point of having this circular conversation with him. He wasn’t interested in seeing past his own bullshit, and I wasn’t interested in accepting it.

And Ihatedhow this whole thing was making me feel.

I’d gone from floating on a cloud of orgasmic bliss to…whatever the fuckthiswas.

But still, I refused to go along with whatever got dished in my direction. I liked Tristan - a lot.

A whole lot.

However, my inexperience didn’t mean I was stupid.

I’d seen and acted out entirely too much to fall for the usual shit.

That didn’t make it not hurt though.

It took until I was back at the candle shop - without groceries or a lover - that it really hit me. Such a drastic range of emotions over the course of barely half a day… Could that be good foranyone?