“Temp, how is it different fromany othercustomer? I’ve got to run my client by you beforehand to make sure there’s not somebody you don’t like on it?”

“Okay so is she a friend, or a client? Did she pay for the tattoo?”

Tristan frowned, confused. “I don’t know what that has to do with anything, but yeah, she’s paying - we… barter, I guess. She keeps my locs together for me.”

My eyes damn near ballooned out of my head atthat.“Ohhhh, so she pays by getting to be up close and personal with you for hours and hours at a time. Got it.”

“You arecompletelyfucking bugging right now! If me and you are together, I can’t have friends?”

“That’s not what I’m saying.”

“Then whatareyou saying?”

“I’m saying that… if me and you are together, you can’t havethatfriend,” I shrugged. “Because that bitch is not a friend - she’s a parasitic ex hanging in hopes of becoming more again, and antagonizing any future prospects along the way.”

I knew this from professional experience - I’d neutralized my fair share in order to get the access I needed to a target.

“Wow. We’ve known each other a few weeks, and now you’re telling me who my friends are?”

I let out a dry chuckle. “Obviously you needsomebodyto. Do you have long conversations about life with her? She supports your dreams? Checks in with you? Makes sure you’re okay? Could you count on her for help if you were in trouble?Anythingof that nature?” I asked, digging into my point. “Cause if the answer is no to any of that, and you can’t think of anything equivalent, that’s not your fucking friend - it’s a bitch you keep around to feed your ego, and you know… I won’t deal with that.”

He scoffed. “Deal withwhat?’”

“With not being a priority for you. That’s how relationships work, right?”

“So you feel like you should be my top priority now?”

“I didn’t say top, I saidapriority. If this means anything to you, at all.”

Tristan’s face wrinkled into a scowl. “Of course it does, why would you even say that shit?”

“Because before I got here, I got cursed out by the mother of your child because I spoke to your daughter and she had no idea I existed. Then I get here, and you’re up your ex’s crotch, letting her speak to me any fucking kinda way,” I explained, feeling ridiculous once I’d said it out loud, but… nah.

Fuck that.

My feelings didn’t have to -weren’taboutto - be downplayed

“We’re still figuring this out, so no, I haven’t told Von anything about you. Why were you talking to them anyway?”

“I ran into them at the store. And it’s not even really about that - I’m not mad about that. I’m mad because when I came here looking for some reassurance, I found you with your ex.”

“Conducting business.”

“It’s not fucking business!” I countered. “It’s not business, and she’s not your friend. What sheshouldbe is a non-factor.”

“And you don’t feel like this - your whole reaction to all this - is extreme?”

“I feel like you’re trying to make me feel crazy so that you can go about doing the exact same shit you’ve been doing,” I told him. “I feel like you’re being purposely obtuse. Or did you forget you snatched anactuallyinnocent man out of my face at the coffeehouse? Meanwhile you wanna scold me for threatening Nya like she wasn’t antagonizing me.”

“It’s not the same!”

“You’re right, it’s not - it’sworse. You couldn’t take the idea of me entertaining someone else, while I’m supposed to be cool withyourshit!”

“Nothing is gonna happen between me and Nya!”

“Doessheknow that?” I asked. “Because it doesn’t seem like it to me. And the fact that you’re so resistant to even theideaof not encouraging her bullshit? Is a massive red flag to me.”

“So we’re back around to you telling me who I can talk to?”