“Yeah,” he agreed. “I doubt you dream about covert orders and combat situations. Well… I guess they wouldn’t be dreams, really. More like nightmares.”

I met his gaze for a moment, shocked, before it clicked for me that he was talking about himself. As much as I wanted to tell him that yes, actually, I definitely had nightmares about thoseexactthings… I knew I couldn’t.


“So that’s what you were so stressed about?”

He blinked.

Then nodded.

“Yeah,” he confirmed, with a deep sigh like he was embarrassed to admit it. “It’s… something I struggle with, a little bit.”

“A little bit, or a lot?”

A dry laugh wrangled from his throat as he pushed a handful of locs back from his face, meeting my gaze again. “A lot.”

“Me too.”

“Hopefully tonight will be better for both of us,” he replied, with zero innuendo in his tone.

Mybrain took it there, immediately thinking of a way we could end this night with a definite bang, and go ahead and rid the air between us of the pesky sexual tension.

“Do you want to come inside?”

His eyebrows went up, obviously surprised that I’d asked – and hell, I was kinda surprised myself. We’d exchanged nothing more intimate than a hug, but here I was, basically offering him pussy? What the hell was I thi—

“I probably shouldn’t.”


I’d, eventually, have figured out how to rationalize having sex with a near stranger – it wasn’t as if that was far-fetched for me, especially considering some of the things I’d done in the name of a completing a mission.

What threatened to break me, was this firm rejection, when I’d thought – whenhemade it seem like – he wanted me.



“Of course,” I stammered, pushing out an awkward laugh. “I shouldn’t assume you want to fuck me just because you’ve… been in my face, nonstop, acting like you want to fuck me.”

“Temp, it’s not—”

“Stop calling me that,” I snapped, suddenly back on the verge of tears I’d overridden three times in the last twenty-four hours already. I was out of practice now – I wasn’t sure I could keep holding them back. “And you don’t have to try to spare my feelings – you can go.”

“It ain’tthateither,” he countered, pushing off from the wall to get in my face.

“What is it then?”


Thethishe spoke of was an arm around my waist, pulling me against him, and a hand in my hair, fingers tangled in the strands as his mouth came to mine.

His soft full lips against mine, his tongue in my mouth, his hardness pressed against my stomach, his hand sliding from my waist to grip my ass as he deepened the kiss…

I felt it everywhere.

The giddy lightheadedness, the flutters deep in my belly, the throbbing heat between my legs…