Thiswas… everything.

And it was over much too soon.

“I don’t want to come inside tonight, because… I like you. And I would like it to just… be that, before we make it something else,” he murmured against my lips before he finally pulled back.

“You don’t know me.”

He smirked. “And I’ve already explained how I feel about that. So…”

“So, what?” I asked, my heart still racing from the sudden excitement of that kiss.

“So… stop fucking around Temp…est,” he quickly added, with a goofy grin that I couldn’t help responding to in kind. “Meaning… let me get to know you.”

“I don’t want to.” I shook my head. “Getting to know people is… messy. And hard. Coming upstairs is very,veryeasy.”

Tristan drug his teeth over his lip, nodding. “Yeah. That’s exactly why I’m not interested in that, sweetheart. Goodnight,” he said, pulling me close again without any type of warning, for another kiss.

A quick one this time, but with the same type of butterflies.

I… didn’t know what to say.

So instead of trying, I said nothing, just returned his wave when he started to walk off.

“Go inside, T, so I know you gotall the wayhome safe,” he called to me before he turned to make sure I was doing so.

Instead, he caught me staring after him.

Embarrassed, I quickly retrieved my keys, not even looking back until I was on the other side of the door.

He waved again, and I waved back, then rushed upstairs to see the street so I could watch him walk past.

Like some silly girl with a crush.

Which… I guess was pretty damn accurate.