Page 61 of Fire and Silk


ISTARTLE AWAKE, BLINKINGrapidly into the darkness. My heart is thudding rapidly in my chest, my breathing coming in short spurts as my mind tries to focus on reality rather than the dream that felt so unbelievably real. As I blink my eyes, I’m still trying to determine if it actually happened.

Reaching over, I click on the bedside lamp, a soft light filtering through the room.

Seconds later, strong arms wrap around my middle, pulling me backward.

“What time is it?” Mateo grumbles in my ear.

I glance up at the clock.

“After ten.”

“What?” Mateo sits up so fast the movement is jarring. “Fuck.” He’s out of bed in a flash, tugging on his pants.

“What’s wrong?” I ask, rolling to my back, propping a pillow up behind me so that I’m partially upright.

“My men are going to wonder where I am. After what happened last night, they’re no doubt waiting for a briefing.”

“O-k-a-y,” I draw out. “You’re the boss, what’s the issue with making them wait.”

“Because it’s not like me to make them wait. And I don’t want them suspecting anything.” It takes me a moment to realize he’s talking about me. “No one can know about us.”

So we’re anusnow?

I try not to think too much over his choice of words.

“That would be a problem?”

“I don’t want to put you in more danger than I already have. If whoever the fuck is feeding information to your father finds out, it could ruin everything.”

“How so?”

“Because if your father thinks you’re important to me, then I lose the upper hand.”

“I see.” I nod slowly, watching him snag the blood-stained shirt he was wearing last night off the floor. Instead of putting it on, he drapes it over his shoulder.

“I’m pretty sure Dimitri already knows something is going on.” I feel obligated to make sure he is aware. “He said something to me yesterday.”

“Dimitri is harmless and he’s also loyal. I’m not worried about him or Niko. It’s everyone else I’m worried about.”

“Right,” I murmur.

“Listen,” he steps up to the side of the bed I’m lying on, “lay low today. I don’t want you out wandering until I know who the fuck in my ranks is working for Esteban.”

“Can I go see Niko?”

This seems to surprise him.


“Um, because he nearly died last night and I’m partially responsible for whether or not he survives. I’d like to check in on him.”

He nods once.

“Fine. Dimitri can take you to see him, but nowhere else. You stay here until you hear from me.”

“Okay,” I quietly agree.