Page 62 of Fire and Silk

Leaning forward, he swipes a feather light kiss across my lips.

“I’ll have Norma bring you up some breakfast.” He straightens, heading for the door.

“That’s okay. I’m not hungry right now.”

“Okay, but make sure you eat something soon.”

“Careful, I might start to think you actually care about me.”

His steps falter just shy of the door, his head turning back in my direction.

“Maybe I do.”

With that, he pulls open the door and steps into the hallway.

I catch sight of Dimitri standing outside of my room, in his normal spot, seconds before the door closes.

Maybe I do...

His words play on repeat in my head as I freshen up and get dressed, preparing to go visit Niko. I have no idea what kind of shape he’ll be in, but I’m assuming he’s still alive. If he weren’t, there’s no way Dimitri wouldn’t have come in to tell Mateo.

Since I’m not supposed to leave my room today, instead of putting on one of the many dresses hanging in the wardrobe, I slip on a pair of black pajama pants that feel like heaven on my skin and partner them with a tank top.

When I exit the room a few minutes later, Dimitri is still standing in the same spot I saw him in when Mateo left. His head pops up when he hears my door open and he gives me a small smile.

“Good morning.”

“Morning.” I look down the hall in both directions, making sure we’re alone. “Mateo said I could go see Niko.”

“He told me. You want to go now?”


“Alright, come on. I’ll take you to his room.”

Dimitri leads me to a part of the upstairs I’ve never visited before. I’m surprised to find that Niko’s room isn’t that far from mine. I’m assuming that was intentional, so he could get to me quickly if needed.

When Dimitri opens the door for me, I step into a bedroom that looks eerily similar to mine, only this one is located on an exterior wall and has windows. Lucky...

Niko’s propped up in bed, a hot cup of what I assume is coffee balanced between his hands.

He’s shirtless and the bandages that pepper his stomach and chest appear to be pretty clean, which means the stitches must be holding. I breathe out a small sigh of relief. In the moment I didn’t doubt that I could sew him up. Afterward, I worried if I had done a good enough job to keep him from bleeding out overnight.

Dimitri doesn’t enter the room with me. Instead, he waits until I’m inside and pulls the door closed, opting to wait in the hallway.

“Well, you’re still alive.” I hesitate just inside the room.

“I hear you might have had something to do with that.” His face is still pale, but his color is a hundred times better than it was last night.

“Apparently, sewing skin is no different than sewing fabric. Who knew?” I shrug on a soft laugh, making my way further into the room.

I head toward the chair sitting next to his bed, taking a seat. It’s no doubt where Norma spent most of the night.

“How are you feeling?”

“Sore.” He lifts the cup to his lips and takes a drink, grimacing as he does.

“I can’t imagine why.” I grin. “Looks like your stitches are holding up.”