Page 6 of Force of Gravity




“Idon’t know aboutyou, but I found that rather stimulating.” Atlas jogs to catch up to me as I exit the building, his bag slung over his shoulder.

“Oh yeah, which part? The part where you spent half the class looking at naked girls on your phone or the part where you dozed off mid-lecture?” I sneer.

Truth be told, I don’t think either of those things actually happened but what else am I supposed to say,I’m surprised you actually paid attention?No way, that would be giving him credit for something, and let’s be honest, my pride simply will not allow that.

“The part where you couldn’t keep your eyes off my crotch.” He wiggles his eyebrows suggestively at me.

“Fuck off, Atlas.” I shove his shoulder, knocking him a couple feet to the side.

“You need to get laid, B. Maybe then you wouldn’t have that massive stick up your ass and you could learn to take a joke.” He has to holler the last part over his shoulder as he turns and jogs toward a group of girls lounging under a shade tree.

I watch as all four of them smile and giggle when he saunters up to them, no doubt mesmerized by his stunning eyes and dimpled smile. First day on campus and they’re already eating out of the palm of his hand. Ugh.

I rip my gaze away.

Stupid Atlas.

I hate that he’s such an asshole to me.

Mostly, I hate that I let the shit that comes out of his mouth get to me.

Need to get laid... Please. I’ve been laid plenty of times.

In fact, Wesley Ryder and I went at it like rabbits for most of senior year, though we kept the knowledge of that low key because he was a friend of my brother’s and I was pretty sure he wouldn’t approve. Not to mention, Atlas had a way of scaring off every single guy who ever showed even the slightest bit of interest in me, mainly in the form of some embarrassing story or fact about me that typically wasn’t even true. Seeing how I had no desire to actually date Wesley, it was less complicated to keep it between us. Besides, it was kind of fun having him be my dirty little secret.

And while yes, it is true that I haven’t slept with anyone since him, four months really isn’t that long to go without. At least not for me. Don’t get me wrong, sex is fun. But I don’t feel like it’s something I need to survive either.

I’m too busy grumbling to myself, lost in my own world, that I don’t see the football flying at me until it’s too late. I’m stunned with confusion when it whacks me in the side of the head. I sway, somehow managing to keep my balance, but losing grip of my bag. It hits the ground on a muted thud as my hand goes to my head.

“Oh shit. Are you okay?” My vision clears to see dirty blond hair and light gray eyes.

“I, uh...” I blink once. Twice. Feeling slightly disoriented. “Yeah, I’m fine,” I manage to force out.

I look around for a brief moment as I lean down to grab my bag. The courtyard is littered with people, several of which seem to be looking in my direction. My embarrassment blooms. Only I would get drilled in the head by a football in front of dozens of students on my first day of class. I swear, if it weren’t for bad luck, I wouldn’t have any luck at all.

“I’m so sorry. Rufus back there has terrible aim.” My gaze flutters back to the guy in front of me as he hitches his thumb somewhere behind him. Only I’m too entranced by his endearing crooked smile to look anywhere but right at him.

Hello, handsome... My internal tigress springs to life.

“No problem. I have a hard head,” I stupidly say, feeling blood warm my cheeks.

Sometimes I’m so awkward it’s painful. This would be one of those times.

“Well, I guess that’s a good thing.” Cute guy’s smile widens.

He’s amused with me but not in the condescending way I’ve grown accustomed to from a certain asswipe that shall not be named.

“I’m...” His next words are abruptly interrupted.

“Holy shit, B. I knew you were a ball magnet, but damn.” My blush deepens a thousand fold at the sound of Atlas’s voice. My gaze flips to the side as he slides up beside me. When he drops an arm over my shoulder, I damn near go cross-eyed.

What the fuck is he doing?