Page 7 of Force of Gravity

“Sorry, man, didn’t mean to take your girl out,” blond guy stammers out, quickly backing away.

“Yeah, no problem. She’s tougher than she looks,” he calls to the guy’s retreating backside.

Well that didn’t take long. One look at Atlas and the guy was practically running in the opposite direction.

“What the hell?” I shove his arm off of me, rounding on him. “What the fuck was that?”

“Just doing my brotherly duty.” He shrugs.

“Your brotherly duty?” My eyes damn near bug out of my head. “You’re not my brother!”

“No, but I think Brennon would appreciate me protecting his baby sister from some douche bag football player who was trying to get in her pants.”

“One, I am not his baby sister. We’re twins.” Him being born five minutes before me does not make me the baby. “And two, he wasn’t trying to get into my pants. He was apologizing for hitting me in the head with a football.”

“Yeah, a football his buddy intentionally threw at your head to give him an in.”

“What are you talking about?” I all but growl.

“You’re so damn naïve, Barlow. Old boy had his friend throw that football at you so he’d have an excuse to talk to you. I watched the whole damn thing happen. And if not for me, you’d have played right into his hands. Or into his bed, if he had any say in the matter.”

“I’m sorry, but why is that any of your concern? Weren’t you the one telling me I need to get laid?”

“Yeah, laid. Not gang raped by an entire frat house. You don’t know guys like that, B. Trust me, I just did you a solid.”

“Oh my god. You’re mental.” I throw one longing look over my shoulder at the cute, blond guy who’s rejoined his buddy across the lawn, wondering what might have been, before swinging my gaze forward and setting off toward the sidewalk.

“Um, you’re welcome,” Atlas calls out from behind me, choosing not to follow me, which is probably a pretty smart move on his part.

Instead of rewarding his behavior with any sort of comeback, I simply throw up a middle finger and keep walking.

Stupid asshole.


Iwish I could saythat my first week of college got better, but that simply wasn’t the case. Remember what I said about without bad luck I’d have no luck at all? Yeah, well, I wasn’t exaggerating. I missed the shuttle on Tuesday, and of course it started pouring rain halfway through my mile long walk, so by the time I got to class I was soaked. Did I mention I was wearing sandals and a cream colored blouse? Not exactly the proper attire for walking in the rain. I’m pretty sure the entire class got a good look at my nipples, although I did my best to keep myself covered as I fumbled my way to my seat. Then, to really drive the point home, Atlas walked into my Intro to Interpersonal Communications class two hours later, adding the cherry on top of the perfect fucking sundae that was my day.

How in the world we got put into not one, but two of the same classes, is beyond me. It’s almost like he somehow got ahold of my course schedule and enrolled in the same classes. What else could explain it? It couldn’t be coincidence, right? Then again, by the look on his face when he spotted me at the back of the room, I’m pretty sure he wasn’t expecting to see me anymore than I was expecting to see him.

And of course, he had to sit right next to me. Only this time when he spoke to me, I didn’t speak back. In fact, I’ve been successfully giving him the silent treatment since Monday, which has been quite the accomplishment given that I have English with him on Monday and Wednesday and Comm with him on Tuesday and Thursday. And then there’s the little thing about how we live together.

Fuck my life.

Seriously. I swear I can’t catch a break.

The only bright spot is that I made a friend. Rita. Short for Margarita (how rad are her parents!). She sits at the same table as me in Quantitative Reasoning, which turned out to be my least favorite class, aside from meeting her. She reminds me a lot of Zoe. Quick witted with a razor sharp tongue. I guess these are qualities you have to possess to be friends with someone like me. Remember the no filter thing I mentioned?

Anyway, needless to say I’m relieved that today is Saturday and I get two days to decompress from the worst week in history, or at least, I hope I can. Nothing is guaranteed given my current living arrangements.

I got up early this morning so I would have time to shower and leave the apartment before Atlas – AKA shit fuck – or Brennon got up. Sharing an apartment with two eighteen year old men is not easy, especially when the apartment only has one bathroom.

I swear, if I see one more pube on the toilet seat I’m going to hurl. And don’t get me started on the toothpaste in the sink or the wet towels all over the floor. How hard is it to rinse the sink, or I don’t know, put your dirty shit in a laundry basket. It’s like that in the whole apartment, but the bathroom is what bothers me the most.

At this point, they might as well buy me a maid’s uniform and put a duster in my hand, because that’s what I feel like. A live in fucking housekeeper.

And it’s only been a week!!

I guess I don’t really have a right to complain, given that it’s me who’s encroaching on their space. Besides, I could leave the mess for them to clean up,eventually... But who knows how long that would be and I am not one that can live in filth.