Josh steps next to the bar and drops a stack of folders onto the smooth surface before turning to face us. As soon as I step out of Bentley's embrace, he pins his eyes directly on mine. I can see the disappointment written all over his face. Needles prick at my stomach as it knots tightly around itself and I stumble to find words. But my attempts are silenced when Josh speaks first.
“Here's the materials you requested. Will there be anything else Mr. Reed?” He asks, turning his full attention on Bentley. Suddenly everything hits me like a tidal wave. This whole thing, it was so that Bentley could prove something to Josh.
He clearly asked Josh to come back here. He pulled him off to the side so I couldn't hear what was said. He made no effort to conceal what we were doing. How did I not see it? I mistook his pissing contest with Josh for something else entirely.
“That's it. Thanks.” Bentley says, watching Josh exit through the door without so much as a glance in my direction, before turning back to face me, immediately reaching his arms out for me. Instead of stepping towards him, I step away. Shock, disbelief and regret bleed together in one deadly concoction.
“You... Why?” I stutter out, gesturing towards the door Josh just exited through. “You set him up to find us like this didn't you?” My words come out heavy with anger.
“I asked him to bring me some documents I needed. How is that in anyway me setting him up?” He asks, taking a commanding step towards me. “He works for me. He is my employee. I do not need ulterior motives when it comes to asking my employees to do something for me.” He says without apology.
“So that's what this was too?” I ask, gesturing between the two of us. “You asking me, as your employee, to what.... Fuck you?” I spit, my voice going up an octave.
“Don't be ridiculous Logan. It isn't like that.” He says, taking another step towards me.
“Isn't it?” I ask. “This is a game to you. Admit it. You want to fuck me to prove something to yourself so you purposely hurt the one person that has what you don't. Josh didn't deserve that. It's just about winning with you.” I say, suddenly seeing everything so clearly.
“I am a grown man who knows what he wants. Look around you.” He says, gesturing to where we are. “Do you really believe I reached this level of success by playing games? I say what I want and I go for it. Or haven't you figured that out yet?” He cocks his head to the side, taking in my reaction. “I take what I want Logan. And right now, I want you.” He says, taking another step towards me, taking advantage of the fact that my feet seem to be glued to the floor and unable to step away.
I don't want to let his words affect me. But the truth is, they do. I have always been the one in control. The one calling the shots. But with Bentley.... Well, he challenges that control. And while that stirs fear deep inside of me, it's also thrilling at the same time.
“You can't hurt the people I care about and expect that I would ever let anything happen between us.” I protest weakly, trying to find the strength to stand my ground.
“But something has already happened.” His voice drops low as he steps just inches within my body, his hand trailing down my arm causing a shiver to run through my spine. “Or did you already forget?” He asks, dropping his face to the crook of my neck and trailing his tongue from the base to my ear before whispering. “I'd be happy to refresh your memory.” I can feel his smile against my flesh and it does nothing to calm the fire now raging deep within me.
“Don't.” I let out a breathy protest.
“Don't?” He questions, gripping both of my hips and pulling me tightly against his body, his obvious arousal evident against me.
“I need to go see Josh.” I say, trying to find the strength to step away from him. “I need to explain. Apologize.” My words get stronger as I realize the truth behind them. Josh may not be my boyfriend and I may not owe him an explanation, but as someone I care about, I can't just ignore what he just walked in on.
“Stop.” I say, my voice finding more strength as I step out of Bentley's embrace, despite his attempts to keep me in place. “I need to go see Josh.” I say again.
“Logan.” He interjects.
“No Bentley. I don't know how you live your life but I can't hurt someone that I care about and not try to make it right. I'm not programmed that way.” I say, sighing loudly when a small smile pulls up the corners of his mouth, giving me a shot of those brilliant dimples.
“Go.” He says, nodding towards the door. “But Logan.” He says, grabbing my hand just as I turn to leave. Pulling me once again flush with his body, he puts his lips to my ear. “This is far from over.” He rasps, releasing me.
Pulling back, I turn quickly and take off through the room, throwing Bentley one last look over my shoulder before exiting through the same door that Josh left through just a few minutes prior.
My heart pounds rapidly in my chest as I enter the main room of the club and scan the area for Josh. When I don't spot him, I quickly slip backstage and push my way into his office without so much as a knock. To my surprise, the small area is empty.
Stepping back out and pulling the door closed, I check my dressing room thinking that maybe he is waiting for me in there but again, the room is dark and silent and Josh is no where to be found. Heading back out into the main room, I quickly approach the bar which is currently being manned by Malcolm. A dark skinned attractive man in his late twenties that is at the top of Lo's 'I must fuck' list. Too bad for Lo, he is happily engaged to one of the other dancers, Chelle, and seems to be in no rush to fuck that up.
“Hey Logan.” He says, his deep baritone voice booming around me as I approach the bar.
“Hey.” I say back, leaning against the counter so that I can speak to him without having to yell over the music. “Have you seen Josh?” I ask.
“He took off just a couple of minutes ago.” He says.
“Took off?” I question. It's so unlike Josh to leave early, which tells me everything I need to know.
“Said he wasn't feeling well. Cora was still here drawing up a few contracts and agreed to cover.” He says, referring to the accounts manager forAllurethat also offsets Josh as the floor manager. She rarely works when I do and my interaction with her up to this point has been very limited. But I will say that even given the small amount of time we have even been in the same room, there is just something about the woman that I can't stand.
She's gorgeous, of course. Early thirties, body like a rock. Long blonde hair and legs for days. Cora is the epitome of a superficial stuck up bitch. She walks around like she owns the club and has made it clear to everyone that works here that what she says, goes. My affection for Josh is not the only reason I only work shifts where he is managing. Luckily, Cora typically works during the day since her primary duty is accounting and member registrations.