Page 19 of You and I

“Shit.” I say, shaking my head. “Where is she?” I ask, glancing side to side to make sure she isn't watching me this very second. That's all I need is to give her the impression I am just hanging out. She may not be my direct supervisor but I have no doubt that she could make my life miserable just the same.

“Front office.” He says, gesturing his head to the side.

“Thanks Malcolm.” I say, giving him a warm smile before spinning around and heading back across the club.

I spot Lo coming out of her dressing room the moment I slip backstage. She is dressed in a hot pink lace bra and matching boy shorts, her long blonde hair tied off in pigtail braids making her look like a half naked school girl.

“Wow.” I say, the moment she spots me. “You look awesome.” I say, nodding my head in approval.

“I know right?” She laughs, spinning around so I can get the full effect. “I decided I needed to mix it up a little.” She laughs.

“Well I think that will do it.” I agree, letting my eyes trail across her body and then back up to her face. “What time are you on?” I ask.

“Ten minutes.” She says, glancing at the clock hanging above the door that leads to the main stage. “Wait. Aren't you supposed to be in a party right now?” She asks, just now catching on that I have only been gone about forty five minutes.

“Yeah, well.... It's a long story.” I sigh loudly. “One that ends with Josh walking in on me and Bentley in a pretty heated embrace.” I say, bracing myself for Lo's reaction.

“What?” She squeals so loudly that her voice echos through the hallway. “Oh my god, you didn't?” She asks, practically jumping up and down with excitement.

“Not exactly.” I say.

“Oh come on.” She whines. “You gotta give me more than that.”

“Let's just say that he knows how to use that beautiful mouth of his.” I say, laughing lightly when Lo covers her mouth on another squeal.

Her excitement quickly turns to panic when she remembers the 'Josh walking in' part. “Oh god, Josh didn't.....”

“No, it was after.” I cut her off. “But I am fairly certain that had Josh not shown up, it would have gone a lot further.”

“What did he say?” She asks.

“Nothing. He didn't even look at me. He dropped off files for Bentley and then just walked away. I tried to find him, explain. Make sure that he's okay. But Malcolm said he left a few minutes ago.”

“Well that explains why Bitch Cora is still here then.” She says, her distaste for the woman written clearly across her face.

“Do you know if I was needed for anything else other than the party?” I ask.

“You aren't on the rotation so I don't think so. Why?” She asks.

“I need to go. Will you cover for me if Cora happens to notice that I'm gone?”

“Lie to one of our bosses? What do you take me for?” She laughs, as if her thick sarcasm wasn't enough of a giveaway.

“You're the best.” I say, giving her a quick hug before stepping past her. “Good luck out there. You are going to be fighting them off with a stick.” I laugh, throwing her a little wave as I slip inside my dressing room.

I am back in my street clothes in the matter of two minutes. Grabbing my bag from the back of my chair, I throw it over my shoulder and pull the door open. The moment I register that a person is standing in my doorway, I scream in surprise, my heart jumping somewhere in my throat.

“Whoa.” Darcy laughs. “I come in peace.” She says, holding her hands up in front of her.

“Sorry.” I shake my head on a laugh. “I didn't expect someone to be there, caught me off guard.” I say, trying to calm my pounding heart beat.

“Sorry about that.” She laughs again. “Cora's looking for you.” She says, her forehead scrunching together in apology.

“Shit.” I say, glancing down at my wardrobe and then back up to meet Darcy's stare. “Did she say what she wanted?” I ask, hoping to maybe have some insight into what she could possibly need.

“No. Sorry.” Darcy says, tucking her brunette bob behind her ears. “But she's in the back office I think.” She says, stepping backwards out of the doorway. “Just thought you'd like a heads up.”

“Perfect.” I moan out in frustration, rolling my eyes. Tossing my bag onto the floor, I join Darcy in the hallway before pulling my door shut. “Thanks for letting me know.”