Page 12 of You and I

“You.” He says, once again without hesitation.

Leaning forward, I hitch my finger gesturing for him to come closer. He smiles wickedly at me and then moves in, not stopping until we are as close as we can be given the small round table between us.

“Let me make one thing very clear Mr. Reed.” I say, my voice barely above a whisper. “I am not going to fuck you.” I say, not missing the way his eyes dance with a challenge. “Not tonight. Not ever. I am not like all the other hussies you probably have flocking you everywhere you go. I don't want a complication or a distraction and I certainly do not want to join the ranks of being just another woman that Bentley Reed has fucked. So thank you for dinner.” I say, dropping my napkin in front of me and standing. “But I really should be going.”

Bentley peers up at me and laughs lightly. A wide smile spreading across his impossibly handsome face. Oh god help me. “I like you.” He says, smiling even wider.

“Well lucky for you, I don't feel the same.” I say unconvincingly, spinning around and leaving him sitting in the small twenty four hour diner all by himself.

It's only a matter of seconds before I step out into the cool night air. It's nearing the end of May and the heat is just now starting to extend into the late night hours. Turning right immediately upon exiting, I try to figure out exactly where I am in conjunction to the club. Considering my car is still in the parking lot, I kind of need to figure out my way back there.

“You just going walk the whole way back in the middle of the night?” Bentley's laughter dances around me as I whip around to see him quickly approaching. “Come on. Let me drive you back.” He says, holding his arm out for me.

I look from his face to his arm and then back to his face. “Oh come on. You don't really think I am going to let you walk just because you said you wouldn't fuck me.” He laughs, linking his arm with mine and spinning me back in the direction of the diner. “Besides, you said you wouldn't, not that you didn't want to.” He laughs, nudging my hip with his. As much as I want to keep up the act and pretend like he doesn't affect me, when he smiles at me the way he's smiling right now, I find it impossible to be anything but completely smitten.

“You're impossible.” I say, shaking my head at him, his black sports car coming into view as we round the corner.

We cross the street and within moments, I am being assisted into the passenger seat. While it's a sweet gesture, I can't help but feel a little annoyed with myself for liking the fact that he treats me like I am incapable of doing small things like getting into a car on my own.

The drive back is quiet and the silence buzzes around us. More than once I open my mouth to speak but then think better of it and end up closing it again. I don't know what to say or do. I have never been in a situation where I wanted someone as badly as I do Bentley and yet, denied myself the pleasure of having him.

I don't know what it is about him that has me fighting every step of the way. He wants to fuck me too, that much he's made clear. But it's everything else that makes me hesitant. I don't like the thought of being another number. I like being different. I like having the power and the control and it's clear he does too.

Maybe that's my biggest issue of all. Control. I want to be able to control everything around me. I want to know that when I am with a man, I am all he wants. I want to be his sole focus. It makes me feel powerful. It makes me feel alive. I think with Bentley, it would be a fight for that power and it's a fight I think I would lose. Having never been in that situation, I'm fearful as to how that would feel.

“Here we are.” He says, breaking into my thoughts as the car slows to stop next to my beat up old clunker.

“Thank you for dinner.” I say, turning slightly to face him. The moment I do though, I am pulled into his arms and the next thing I know, his lips are crashing down on mine. I have no time to react as his tongue sweeps inside of my mouth until the only thing that exists in this moment is him.

Not able to fight against the pull of electricity between us, I kiss him back with just as much force. He may be hell bent on leaving his mark on me, but that doesn't mean that I am not hell bent on doing the exact same thing to him.

I expect him to make a move. Suggest we go somewhere. Touch me even. So when he does none of those things and abruptly breaks away from my mouth, I am left not only a panting mess of want and need, but also very confused.

“Goodnight Logan.” He says, turning his eyes forward again. Realizing immediately the turn of events, I can't help but smile and push open the passenger side door.

“Goodnight Mr. Reed.” I say, peeling myself from the leather bucket seat and not once looking at him as I shut the door and turn towards my car.

I can't help but laugh as I watch his car pull away. That asshole actually thought that by getting me all worked up and then shutting me down, he was going to change my mind about sleeping with him. And though the thought sounds ridiculous to me, I also can't deny that in a way, it may have worked.

In some strange way, him being the one to shut down on me makes me want him that much more. Is that crazy? I feel like it seems crazy and yet, there's no denying the fire coursing through me right now. I may have entered into this just wanting to come out on the other end unscathed. But now I am starting to think the only way to do that is to fuck him and get him out of my system.

Climbing into my car, I stick the key in the ignition and groan when the engine kicks to life with a rumbling sound so loud, its a wonder that the car still even starts. It isn't until I am pulling out of the lot, that I realize that Josh's car is still here.Alluredoesn't close until five in the morning but it's very rare that Josh stays past one or two. Considering it's well after three, I can't help but wonder what he's doing. Knowing I can't just go in and find out what's up without drawing attention to the fact that I was out with Bentley, I turn my attention forward.

Pulling out into the street, I enjoy the sleeping city around me as I make my way back towards campus. I love being awake when everyone else is asleep. There is something so freeing about being in a city of thousands and yet being completely alone at the same time.

It doesn't take long before I am quietly slipping into my dorm room, being extra careful not to wake Andrea as I fumble through the darkness towards my bed. Collapsing down on the mattress fully clothed, my eyelids feel heavy the moment my head hits the pillow.

Not able to find the strength to do anything else, I try desperately to shake the vision of piercing blue eyes staring back at me and what those eyes make me feel. It doesn't take long before I feel myself starting to drift. One moment I am thinking of strong hands and full lips and the next, I am lost to the blackness.