Page 11 of You and I


“So Josh... I have to admit. I didn't see that one coming.” Bentley shakes his head before taking another bite of his sandwich.

“We have sex.” I say on a shrug. “It's not like I plan on marrying the man.” I say, not letting his comment bother me. He doesn't have to understand it as long as he accepts it. Because at the end of the day, he holds the power to fire me or Josh. Or hell, both of us for that matter.

“Do you do that often?” He asks, running his fingertip along the rim of his glass. “Have sex with people, I mean?” He elaborates when I throw him a questioning look.

“Wow.” I say, taking a drink of my water before continuing. “Is that what you see when you look at me?” I ask, crossing my arms in front of my chest as I lean back further in my chair. “Just some whore who dances at your club and fucks everyone?”

“That's not what I meant.” He lets out a light laugh and I try my damnedest not to be distracted by the deepness of his voice or those fucking dimples.

“You sure about that?” I ask, feeling the overwhelming need to be challenging. Something about this man screams control and I need him to understand right here and now, that I am not one to be controlled.

“I just meant, do you hook up casually with people often? It's not meant to be offensive, it's just a question. Helps me understand you a little better.” He says, smiling so sweetly at me I really just want to reach over and punch him right in the face. Maybe he thinks I will fall for the sweet guy routine, but he is sorely mistaken. There is nothing about this man that is sweet, except maybe how he tastes.

“Do you?” I ask, turning the the tables on him. I lean forward on my elbows and pin my eyes directly on him.

“Yes.” He answers without hesitation, his smile growing wider.

“Somehow that doesn't surprise me.” I shake my head before taking another long drink of water. “And no, to answer your question, I do not hook up with people randomly. I find one person that I can connect with sexually and I stick with that person until my needs are no longer being met or he decides he wants more. At which point, I move on. I do not bounce from man to man daily. And I am not a whore.”

“So no commitment then?” He asks, his eyes dancing across my face.

“None.” I say, shaking my head adamantly. “I don't do boyfriends. Never have. But I have needs, just like everyone else.”

“What are your needs?” He asks, mirroring my posture by leaning forward on his elbows.

“I am not going to have this conversation with you.” I say, laughing lightly at his boldness. “But I will say this, Josh satisfies those needs perfectly and right now, I am content with that.” I say, trying to drive home the point that I am not interested in hooking up with him, even though every fiber of my being is begging to do just that.

“Content? Not really a word I would use to describe having great sex. I would think a woman like you would need more than that.” He says, reaching out to trail his finger tips down my forearm, my skin prickling under his touch.

“What kind of woman is that?” I ask, curious about his statement and honestly a bit turned on by it as well.

“You're challenging and fierce. You have always had to fight for what you want, so you protect the only thing you can. You like sex, but you hide behind it. It's your security blanket.” He says, biting down on his lower lip causing me to squirm in my chair.

“Just because you have seen my personnel file, does not mean you know anything about me.” I say, pulling my arm back and pushing back in my chair again, desperately trying to put space between us. I can't help but be offended that he is using what very little he knows about my past to try to score some kind of points with me or something.

“This has nothing to do with your file. Anyone can see these things about you, they just simply need to look.” He says, sitting back and crossing his arms in front of himself. “Tell me I'm wrong.” He challenges.

“So you've got it all figured out then?” I ask.

“Actually, no.” He says, somewhat catching me off guard. “I haven't figured out why we are still sitting here talking when I could be showing you what you really need.” He says, causing my stomach to knot in the best sort of way.

“And what's that?” I ask, trying to keep my breathing even.

“You need a man that knows what you want and how to give it to you. A man that will fuck you so hard, you will still feel the effects of him days later. Will kiss you so deeply, you will still taste him hours later. A man that understands you. You need someone to help you escape. Someone to help you crawl out of that perfect exterior you put on display for everyone and release who you truly are.” His voice is low and drips with seduction and I find myself hanging onto every single word as it flows from his perfect mouth.

I can feel the shallowness of my breathing and the rapid thumps of my heart as he stares back at me with so much intensity, it's a wonder I can even meet his gaze. But there is one major flaw in his proposal, the fact that I know it's something he has probably said to hundreds of other woman.

Deciding to play along, I ask. “And you think you could give me that?”

“I know I can.” He says without hesitation. “Give me one night and I promise you, Josh will be the last person on your mind.”

“Why this hang up on Josh?” I can't help but ask the question. “We have sex, that's it.” I say, somewhat egging him on. I want to push him to his limits. The moment I start insinuating that maybe he's jealous, I am sure that he will back down.

“There's no hang up. He has something I want and I fully intend on taking it from him.” He says, his confidence so sound that it's amazing to me that it doesn't turn me off. Usually cockiness is a deal breaker for me, but something about the way Bentley carries himself, makes his cockiness a pro not a con.

“What could he possibly have that you want?” I ask, already knowing what he's implying but still wanting him to say the words.