Page 34 of You and I

For you,

I will meet you at the front entrance on the 29th

at precisely seven o'clock.

Until then,


I re-read the note several more times before turning my attention back to the large package sitting on top of my purple bedspread. Dropping the envelope next to it, I slowly begin peeling away the bow and then gently lift the lid, unsure as to what will be waiting for me underneath.

The top of the box slips from my fingertips and lands on the floor with a light thud as my eyes scan the beautiful material displayed in front of me. Reaching out, I trail my fingertips along the perfect fabric, only then realizing that it matches the small square of fabric that accompanied the ticket.

Not sure what else to do, I hesitantly pull the dress out, pushing the box to the floor to make room on my bed before laying the material out so that I can get a better look at it. Taking a step back, I can't help but gawk at the beautiful article of clothing on display right in front of me.

It's a floor length gown made of a silk material. I would describe the color as Vanilla, though most would call it an off white or beige. Not able to resist, I quickly slip out of my clothes and carefully step into the beautiful gown. There are no zippers which makes it easy to get on and even more comfortable.

The material clings to my body perfectly and it is clear that he knew my exact size when ordering the dress which makes me more than a little curious. Turning to face myself in the floor length mirror, I watch my reflection as my hands trail across the front of the dress.

It has thick two inch straps that are made to sit just off the shoulders and a neck line that swoops down dangerously low. The top is fitted to cling to every curve and then flares just slightly at my hips and flows perfectly to the floor. The back drops low as well, revealing almost every inch of my back as the material gathers loosely just above the top of my ass.

I have never been a fan of this color before, being more of a dark colors kind of girl, but even I must admit that the color looks breathtaking against my light summer tan. Pulling my hair out of its knotted bun, I let my long strands fall across my shoulders, really completing the look of the dress.

For a moment, I lose myself in the thrill. The seduction. The game I know Bentley is playing, and quite successfully I might add. But as I stand in front of the mirror staring at my own reflection, I can't help but feel the uneasiness and uncertainty creep in. I would be lying if I said that this all wasn't so tempting but at the same time, I am not sure if it's a temptation I can afford to indulge in.

Even I will admit the pull Bentley has on me is greater than that of any other man. I don't do emotional. I don't do relationships. I am not ready for a step like that in my life. But even still, with Bentley, I find myself wanting that. I want to be the woman on his arm and the one in his bed every night. And while the thought terrifies me, I know that if given the chance even I may not be able to resist.

But then again, that's the wonderful thing about Bentley. He would never be able to give me that so I am in no danger of being sucked into a relationship that will eventually take over my life. I have seen it happen over and over again. I refuse to be distracted to the point that I neglect every other aspect of my life only to realize I have nothing left when it all falls apart around me.

It is because of this that I must deny Bentley's request and return these gifts immediately. Because even if Bentley is risk free, I don't trust myself not to fall anyways. Then I would be just like the rest of them. Taking a deep breath, I shake my head at myself in the mirror and then quickly step out of the dress, folding it carefully before placing it back into the box. Laying the ticket on top of the garment, I pick the lid up off of the floor and lay it next to the box. Finding a pen in my nightstand, I flip Bentley's note over and scribble one of my own.

Thank you for the gifts. While the thought is greatly appreciated,

I must return them to you. -Logan

Tossing the card inside the box, I quickly close it and then set it in the arm chair in the corner of my room. I have no idea how to return it to him but I will figure that out tomorrow. Certainly there is an address somewhere at the club that I can send it to that will reach him.

Switching off the light, I collapse into bed, not even bothering to pull down the covers. A part of me wishes I had never ventured down this road to begin with. Bentley makes me feel things I have never felt before and the thought doesn't just scare me, it terrifies me. I don't even know him and yet, there is a pull that I simply can not explain. At the end of the day, it's all the more reason that I should just stay as far away from him as possible.