Page 35 of You and I



“So he lives in Chicago?” I question, looking over the address that Lo scribbled down on the back of a business card after breaking into Cora's office. Okay, so she didn't technically break in, but it's a known rule that the office is for clientele and management only.

“Everything I found had that address. That has to be it.” She says, grabbing her lip gloss from her vanity and slathering it across her lips. “I don't understand why you just don't go. I mean, the man bought you an amazing dress and tickets to the hottest new dance company's opening night. I know you girl and I know that deep down you are dying to go.”

“I am dying to go. But not with him. We barely know each other. Doesn't it seem a bit strange to you that he got me such a personal birthday gift?” I ask.

“No. It means he actually thought it through. Which if you ask me, is really sweet.” She smiles widely at me and bats her eyelashes. “When is it again?”

“The 29th. Two weeks from tomorrow. But it doesn't matter because I am not going.” I say, crossing my arms.

“Fine. Suit yourself. Wonder if he is interested in taking a replacement date.” She puckers her lips at her reflection in the mirror.

“Shut up.” I laugh, shaking my head at my ridiculous friend.

“I don't understand why you can't just leave it here for him.” She says, pinning her eyes directly on me.

“Because I am afraid he won't be here between now and then and honestly, I am worried that Cora will snoop and lord knows I do not need her on my ass right now.” I say, sighing loudly.

“And sending it to one of the other clubs?” She asks.

“Again, I have no idea where he will be and when. I was hoping that if we could track down a home address, it would ensure that he receives it before that night.”

“Okay, well this is all we've got.” She says, holding up the business card between her fingers.

“So should I just mail it there?” I ask.

“Hell no. Let's take it over there.” She smiles, turning to face me. “Tell me you aren’t even a little bit curious.” Her smile pulls up even further.

“You know I am.” I sigh, shaking my head at her. “But that still doesn't mean it's a good idea.” I tack on, laughing when she rolls her eyes at me.

“Since when does it have to be a good idea for it to be fun?” She wiggles her eyebrows up and down at me.

“You're ridiculous.” I laugh again. “I am not going over there. End of discussion.” I say, crossing the room and flopping down onto the small couch shoved in the corner of her room.

“Me? You're the one acting like a love sick teenager that's scared to even talk to the boy she likes.” She swivels her chair to face me.

“I am not scared. I simply know when it's better to walk away and trust me, walking away is the only thing anyone should ever do when it comes to that man.” I sigh.

“After you fuck him of course.”

“Well yes, only after that.” We both burst into laughter but then are immediately silenced when a knock sounds against her dressing room door.

Without waiting for a response, Josh peeks his head inside, an annoyed expression planted firmly across his face. “If you two are about done in here, I am fairly certain you have jobs to do.” He says, his eyes dancing from Lo to me and then back to Lo.

“Don't get your panties in a twist boss man.” Lo laughs. “We are coming now.” She says, standing from her vanity and giving Josh a little hand motion that tells him to scram. Rolling his eyes and sighing loudly, he simply shakes his head and pulls the door closed again.

“That man is way more uptight since you stopped giving it to him.” She squeals when I grab the closest thing I can find, which just happens to be a flip flop on the floor, and wing it at her head. “Hey now.” She laughs, batting it out of the air. “I'm just sayin.”

“Shut it Lo.” I warn, laughter vibrating through my voice. Peeling myself off of the lumpy couch, I quickly slip into my four inch black heels and make my way across the room, grabbing the door when Lo holds it open for me.

“Kill it tonight kitten.” She smiles wickedly at me and then turns the opposite direction down the hall, heading towards the back entrance to the bar while I make my way to the back of the stage.

I straighten my black lace boy shorts and adjust my bra, trying to make sure that I am all situated before my final dance of the night. Since I have been working at the studio, I have been inspired to ramp up my routines a bit at the club. I find that the more I incorporate the dancing I love, the more I love doing it here as well.

“Busy tonight.” Kat, a fiery red head I have only worked with a handful of times in the past, says as she exits the stage.