Page 44 of What Comes After

“Well for the record, I’m glad you’re here.”

“You are?” My thoughts come out in the form of actual words.

“I am,” he confirms, turning when the bartender reappears with our drinks. “Here.” He hands me my Long Island before grabbing his and Aaron’s beers off the counter.

“Don’t I need to pay?” I ask, preparing to grab some cash from my wristlet.

“Bands drink free.” He waves me off.

“But I’m not in the band,” I object.

“Close enough.” He smiles, that damn dimple sending my heart into a frenzy.

“Okay then.” I lift the straw to my lips and take a long drink, humming when the taste hits my tongue.

“Good?” He chuckles, watching me with a narrowed gaze.

“So good.” I nod enthusiastically, offering him my drink. “Try it.”

To my surprise he leans in, wraps his lips aroundmystraw, and takes a drink. The whole thing lasts less than ten seconds but it’s enough to make me feel like my entire world shifted on its side. My face feels flush and tiny droplets of sweat form at the back of my neck.

My god, what is wrong with me?

“That is good,” he agrees after he’s swallowed his drink. “Maybe I should have ordered me one of those.”

“Nah, beer suits you better,” I say, once again voicing my thoughts instead of keeping them in my head where they belong.

“It does?” His lips quirk up.

“Yeah, you know, hot musician and beer just go together. Like PB and J.”

“So, you think I’m hot?” His smile widens and I know he’s just messing with me.

“Have you looked at yourself?” I blurt. Stupid word vomit. “I mean...” I stutter over my words. “Crap.” I laugh and admit defeat. “Yes, I think you are extremely hot. There, are you happy?”

“I actually am, so thanks for that.” He laughs. “For the record, you’re not so bad yourself.” His eyes do one long sweep over my body and I swear every surface of my skin prickles.

“Is it hot in here?” I fan my face with my hand, suddenly feeling severely overheated.

“It’s a little warm,” he says, thankfully not adding further to my increasing mortification.

“We should get back to Henna and Aaron.”

“Yeah,” he agrees, but he doesn’t move.

“Um...” I hesitate, not sure what to do.

Abel seems to find humor in my indecision.

“Come on.” He chuckles. Holding both beers by the neck in one hand, he grabs mine with his other and pulls me through the crowd.

I try to pay attention to where I’m going and not run into anyone, but truth be told I’m finding it difficult to focus on anything other than Abel’s fingers wrapped around mine.

If I didn’t know it before, I sure as heck know it now. I’m in serious trouble...