Page 45 of What Comes After

Chapter Twelve



“Killer set tonight, bro.” Aaron raises his beer bottle to Abel when he slides up next to the table we were able to secure after the crowd started to clear out.

It’s nearing midnight and they announced last call about ten minutes ago so we, of course, rushed to the bar and ordered another round.

Aaron is more intoxicated than I’ve seen him before, not that I’ve been around him that much to begin with. Henna has slid off her stool twice since we sat down. And me, well I’m a happy drunk. Which means I’ve been sitting here staring at Abel for nearly the entire night with a wide smile across my face. Because while all of the concerns I had earlier are still there, the buzz running through my veins has made it easy for me to forget all the reasons why I can’t have Abel and remind me of all the reasons I want to.

“Thanks.” Abel runs a hand through his messy hair before snagging Aaron’s beer from his hand. He takes a long drink and my eyes are immediately drawn to his neck, throat bobbing as he drinks.

It’s such an average everyday motion and yet something about the way he does it makes it so incredibly sexy I can barely contain myself.

“Hey!” Aaron’s delayed reaction causes us all to laugh.

“I was thirsty.” Abel gives him a shit eating smile and takes another drink.

“If you want a beer, I’m sure the bartenders will get you one.”

“Can’t. Gotta drive. Just wanted a drink.” He shoves the beer bottle back into his brother’s hand. “Speaking of which, I take it you all need a ride home tonight.”

“We’re gonna Uber,” I explain, my words borderline slurred.

“Like hell you are. I’m only a few blocks from you. I’ll drop you off on my way home.”

“How do you know where I live?” I ask way too loudly.

“Because I’ve dropped Aaron off there.”

“Oh.” My cheeks flush.

“Finish your drinks and we can head out. I’m going to go get paid.” He nods to the table and then spins on his heel, heading in the direction of the bar.

“You are so obvious,” Henna slurs next to me.

“What?” I look away from Abel’s backside to see my friend watching me with knowing eyes.

Well hell, if drunk Henna is picking up on it then there’s no way sober Abel isn’t.

“I see the way you look at him.” She smiles, leaning to the side to lay her head on my shoulder. She turns her big eyes up to my face and bats her lashes dramatically. “Peyton’s in love.” She sighs loudly.

“Peyton most certainly isnotin love. I’m a little smitten, but make no mistake, there is noloveinvolved.”

“So, what you’re saying is you want to bang my brother,” Aaron chimes in.

“I do not want tobanganyone. Who even says that anymore? Bang.” I snort.

“Doesn’t matter how I word it. Still true.” He shrugs, taking a pull from his beer.

“Considering you’re drunker than I am, I’m going to pretend like it’s the alcohol talking.”

“Blame it on whatever you want, doesn’t change the facts.”

“And what are the facts exactly, Aaron?” I lean forward, causing Henna to pop up off my shoulder.

“That you have a thing for my brother.”