Page 22 of What Comes After

“I’m just not really a fan of being a part of them.”

This causes him to smile wider and I swear my stomach does a full flip at the sight.

“Me either. At least not big spectacles like this.” He gestures around us.

“Yeah, I’m with you there.”

“Well, at least we can be miserable together.” He chuckles, falling silent when the double doors swing open and the first couple makes their way inside.

Abel and I are the fourth couple to walk. When it’s our turn he offers me his arm. “Let’s get this over with, shall we?”

“Let’s.” I smile, looping my arm through his.


“Thank god that’s over.” I jump at the sound of Abel’s voice next to me.

I stepped outside to get some fresh air for a minute, not realizing he must have followed.

“Yeah,” I agree, sliding down onto the bottom step of the stone staircase that leads up to the front entrance of the church.

Abel’s feet shuffle against the concrete seconds before he takes a seat next to me.

“One more day, then this spectacle will be over. Thank fuck.” He half sighs, half laughs.

“You are nothing like your brother.”Did I say that out loud?

“I have four. You’ll have to be more specific.” He pulls his knees up and rests his elbows on top of them before turning his face toward me.

“I was referring to Andrew.”

“You mean he’s an uptight, self-righteous tool and I’m not?” He chuckles.

“Yeah, let’s go with that.” I can’t stop the smile from spreading across my face.

“Product of being the youngest,” he explains. “I think you’ll find I’m not like any of my brothers.”

“I don’t know, you and Aaron seem kind of similar. Then again, I don’t really know you, or him very well, for that matter. Maybe I have no idea what I’m talking about.”

“Aaron is the most like me. He’s just better at pretending than I am.”

“Pretending?” I question.

“Aaron has this innate ability to fit in no matter who he’s with or what he’s doing. He conforms to his audience and plays whatever role he has to. So while to some he may seem like a judgmental asshole like the rest of my family, to others he’s the most laid-back guy in the world.”

“You think your family are judgmental assholes?”

“Have you met my family?” He hitches his thumb back toward the church, already knowing that I have. In fact, I spent a good ten minutes after the rehearsal talking to his mom, who went on and on about how incredible Sam’s taste is.

She seemed nice enough, but there was definitely an uppity quality to her personality. Honestly, she was kind of intimidating to be around.

“Fair point,” I manage to say, looking down to where my hands are knotted in my lap.

“About last weekend,” Abel starts after several long moments of silence. “Sorry I disappeared like that.”

“Don’t be.” I play it off like I didn’t think anything of it.

“I realize how strange it probably seemed at the time.”