Page 23 of What Comes After

“It’s fine, really. You weren’t there with us. You don’t owe me an explanation.”

“I know I don’t. I just don’t want you to think I make it a habit of behaving that way.”

“Why do you care what I think?” I glance back toward him, having to physically restrain myself from reaching up to push away a chunk of hair that’s fallen in front of one of his eyes.

“Truthfully?” He waits until I nod before continuing. “I don’t know.”

A small laugh makes its way past my lips. “Well, at least you’re honest.”

He opens his mouth to say something else, but snaps it closed when the heavy doors behind us jar open.

“There you are,” Henna says right as I turn to see her coming down the stairs toward us. Her gaze slides from me to the man sitting next to me. “Oh, hey.” She smiles at Abel.

“Hey.” He nods.

“Sorry to interrupt.” She pauses two steps up from where we are. “Everyone is getting ready to go to dinner.”

“Okay.” I push to a stand, Abel following suit.

“Aaron’s going to drive us there and then bring us back here to pick up my car later.”

“Okay.” Turning toward Abel, I say, “Guess I’ll see you at the restaurant.”

“Actually, I’m coming with you. I hitched a ride here with Aaron, so I kind of don’t have a choice.”

“I call shotgun,” Henna announces loudly, and both of our gazes go to her.

“Funny.” Abel grins. “I didn’t realize people still did that.”

“Typically they don’t.” I snort. “At least not adults anyway.”

“Are you judging me right now?” Henna’s hands drop dramatically to her hips.

“Maybe a little.” Abel shrugs, a smile on his gorgeous mouth. “But it’s okay. You can have shotgun. I’d rather sit in the back with Peyton, anyway.”

It’s such an innocent statement, and one that he likely says to reassure Henna he won’t be fighting her for the front seat, but it still sends a zing of excitement through my stomach.

“Hey!” I jump at the sound of Aaron’s voice, all three of us looking to the top of the stairs where half of his body is peeking out the door. “You guys coming or what? Everyone else has already left.”

“We’re coming.” Abel takes off up the stairs, leaving Henna and I to follow.

Henna knocks her arm into mine and gives me an excited look, gesturing to Abel. “What the hell?” she mouths.

“What?” I mouth back, playing casual. I mean, what other way could I play it? What she walked out on was casual. Just two semi-strangers making small talk.

“You know what,” she whisper hisses.

I shake my head at her and turn my gaze forward, not willing to get into this with her right now. One conversation with Abel and Henna is probably planning our wedding. When I say she goes zero to sixty in three seconds, that doesn’t just mean when it comes to her life. She tends to jump the gun inallaspects.

We head back through the church and out the rear doors to where Aaron’s Jeep is parked in the back lot. Crossing to the passenger side, I climb in the backseat and settle in directly behind Henna.

“I forgot to ask.” Aaron looks at Abel in the rearview mirror as he pulls out of the church parking lot. “Is Claire coming with you tomorrow?”

My excitement evaporates a little at the mention of Claire’s name. I have no idea who she is, only that Abel received a phone call from her last Saturday which caused his whole face to light up.

“Yeah, I’m picking her up on my way to the church,” he confirms, his gaze going out the window.

“Who’s Claire?” Henna turns slightly in her seat. “Is she your girlfriend?”