Page 40 of What Comes After

“I don’t even know her.” I sigh. “How can I know if I like her if I don’t even know her?”

“How long did you know Finley before you realized you were in love with her?”

“If I’m being honest, less than an hour,” I admit, knowing she had me hook, line, and sinker before we ever left the bar that night.

“Exactly. Is it so farfetched that you couldlikesomeone after a few short interactions?”

“Peyton is not Finley.”

“Of course she isn’t. I’m just trying to make a point that if it happened once it can happen again.”

“Lightning doesn’t strike the same place twice.”

“Says who?”

“I don’t know, people.”

“Technically speaking, lightning can absolutely strike the same place twice. It may take millions of years, but the inevitability is that itwillhappen again.”

“Millions of years is a lot longer than one lifetime.”

“Shut up.” She swats at my hand. “You know what I’m saying.”

“Do I?” I cock my head to the side and lift my eyebrow.

Claire bites back whatever it is she was going to say when the waitress reappears with our drinks, setting my beer in front of me before placing Claire’s pink drink in front of her.

Emptying the remainder of my existing beer, I hand the waitress the empty bottle as she turns to leave.

“What I’m saying,” Claire pauses to take a drink, “is that your logic that what has happened can’t happen again is flawed.”

“Is that so?” The corner of my mouth hitches upward.

“It is. And I’m going to prove you wrong, even if it’s the last thing I do.”

“And how exactly are you going to do that?”

“I’ll let you know once I figure that part out.” She laughs, going in for another drink. “Do you still have her ashes?” The abrupt switch in conversation sends my mind into a spin. It takes me a full minute to gather my thoughts enough to answer.

“I do.” I take a long pull of my beer.

“Abel.” She gives me a sad smile.

“I went to the beach, the one where I proposed. The one where she asked me to leave her ashes, but I couldn’t do it. I wasn’t ready to let her go. I’m not sure I’ll ever be ready.” The last part comes out as a murmur, meant more for me than Claire.

“You will be. One of these days. It may not feel like it now but one day, Abel, one day you will find someone that fills the void she left behind. And when you do, you’ll know the time is right.”

“I don’t think I’ve ever thanked you,” I think aloud.

“Thanked me for what?”

“For being my friend. For understanding when no one else could. For your patience and your kindness. I honestly don’t know where I’d be without you, Claire.”

“You know, that goes both ways.”

“I find that hard to believe.”

“Well you shouldn’t. You gave me a piece of my sister to hang onto when I needed it the most and because of that, because of her, I have you. And you, Abel Collins, mean the world to me. That’s why I push you so hard. Why I’m always up in your business. Because I want the world for you and I fear that while you’re still holding onto her, you’re never going to get it.”