“She was the world to me.”
“I know, but you can’t spend your entire life chasing after a ghost.”
“I know that,” I grumble.
“Do you?”
“Of course I do.”
“Then prove it. Ask Peyton out on a date.”
“What?” I choke out a laugh.
“You heard me. Ask her out. What do you have to lose?”
“I’m not asking her on a date.”
“Why not?”
“Because I can barely talk to her when we don’t have a choice but to be around each other. What makes you think I could carry on a conversation for an entire evening when it’s just her and I?”
“You’re a pretty charming guy. I think you’ll figure it out.”
“Still, not happening. At least not yet.”
“Not yet.” She smiles. “That’s not a no.”
“Can we please talk about something else?”
“Fine.” She crinkles her nose. “But this isn’t over,” she warns.
“Like I didn’t already know that much.” I chuckle, lifting my beer bottle to my lips.