Page 34 of What Comes After

The thought has me taking a full step back. Somehow, I muster the ability to plaster on a smile before thanking him for the dance and making my way back to the table.


“Thank you, girls, somuch. Seriously.” Sam releases me from her hug and moves to embrace Henna. “This day wouldn’t have been what it was without you.”

“It was our pleasure,” I tell her. “We’re so happy for you.”

“I can’t believe I’m actually married,” she sings, releasing Henna.

“Truthfully, neither can I,” Henna teases. “I thought you two were never going to tie the knot.”

“They say couples with longer engagements usually have stronger marriages,” I interject.

“Do they?” Henna cocks a brow at me.

“I read it in Cosmo,” I tell her matter of fact.

“Well then I guess it must be true.” She rolls her eyes.

We all laugh.

“Well, I guess I should get going.” Sam bounces on the balls of her feet. “Fiji is calling my name.”

“You two be safe. Text one of us as soon as you land,” I tell her.

“And take lots of pictures,” Henna adds. “Lord knows I’ll probably never make it somewhere so exotic. I need a way to live vicariously through you.

“Love you girls.” Sam turns just as Andrew approaches.

“Love you too,” we say in unison, waving at the happy couple as they make their way into the hallway where their families are waiting to say goodbye.

“You hanging out with Aaron tonight?” I ask Henna once they’re gone.

“He’s taking Andrew and Sam to the airport. He said if he gets back early enough, he might swing by.” She gives me a casual shrug.

“Next thing you know I’m going to have two friends married to Collins’ brothers.”

“I would be okay with that.” She smiles and I swear it nearly splits her face in two. “Or maybe all three of us will end up with one.”

“All three?” I question, not hiding my confusion.

“You and Abel seem to be getting awfully cozy with one another.”

“What?” I blurt, nearly choking.

“Oh, don’t act so surprised. You two were staring at each other all night.”

“We were not,” I argue, already knowing she’s right. At least on my end.

While I successfully avoided him after our dance together, that didn’t stop me from scanning the room for him every chance I got. I couldn’t help it. Like a moth to a flame, as the saying goes.

“You so were,” Henna disagrees.

“He’s very attractive, I’ll give you that. But we’re not gettingcozy, as you put it. He’s still wearing his wedding ring for heaven’s sake. Does that strike you as a man who’s even the least bit interested in moving on?”

“Okay, so maybe not marriage, but what’s the harm in having a little fun, if you know what I mean.” Her eyebrows slide up and down suggestively.

“How long have you known me?” I give her a knowing look. “I don’t do casual hookups, you know that.”