“And look how great that’s worked out for you.” She sighs. “I’m just saying, maybe you should try switching things up a little. If nothing else, it could be a fun distraction until the real thing comes along.”
“I’m not going to randomly start sleeping with someone like it’s some kind of game.”
“You need to learn to relax. Ever heard the phrase ‘it’s just sex’?” She makes air quotes with her fingers.
“I’m going to walk away now.” Shaking my head, I turn to leave.
“Where are you going?” she calls after me.
“Home,” I say, continuing to walk.
“You can’t go home without me. You’re my ride,” she objects, her voice getting louder.
“Well then, I guess you better hurry up,” I call back right as I round the corner, my feet faltering slightly when I see Abel and Claire standing next to the door talking.
Taking a deep breath, I force myself onward as if seeing him has zero effect on me.
“Hi, you’re Peyton, right?” Claire steps directly in front of me before I can reach the door. Holding her hand out to me, she smiles. “I’m Claire.”
“Hi.” I take her hand and give it an awkward shake, releasing it moments later.
“I’ve been meaning to come introduce myself all night, but kept getting distracted,” she tells me, her gaze sliding to Abel who seems painfully uncomfortable.
“No problem. It’s been a whirlwind.” I twirl my finger in the air.
“So, Abel and I were just talking about heading over to Holliday’s and having a drink. Would you want to join us?”
“Claire,” Abel grumbles, wiping a hand down his face.
Even if I wanted to say yes, his reaction has me shaking my head without a second thought.
“Thanks, but I’m pretty tired. I think I’m gonna head home.”
“Okay, maybe another time then.” She smiles softly, and even though I don’t know a thing about her, I immediately like her.
I’m a firm believer that if you look hard enough you can tell within the first few seconds what kind of person you’re dealing with. And it’s pretty clear to me that Claire is one of those genuinely nice people. Someone everyone likes. And of course, she’s beautiful too. I have a really hard time believing that people as attractive as the two of them have never had any sort of relationship beyond friendship. Then again, I’m a skeptic when it comes to platonic friendships. In my experience they always start as something more and fizzle out or they turn into something more over time.
“Seriously, Peyton,” Henna groans loudly as she turns the corner, having removed her heels which are dangling from her hand by the straps. “Oh.” She stops talking when she spots Claire and Abel. “Hi, guys.” She half waves as she closes the distance between us.
“Well, I guess we should be going.” I direct my attention to Claire, knowing if I give Henna time, she will be signing us up to join them for drinks and then some. “It was nice meeting you, Claire,” I tell her with a friendly smile.
“It was nice meeting you as well, Peyton.” She side steps to let Henna and I pass.
As much as I tell myself to keep my eyes forward andnotlook at Abel, my gaze still slides to him. He’s looking anywhere but at me, and while I know I shouldn’t, I can’t help but feel a little disappointed.
“Would you slow down?” Henna whines as she tries to keep my pace through the parking lot. “What was going on back there?” She waits until she reaches me to ask.
“Nothing. Claire was just introducing herself.”
“Claire.” Henna looks at me like an explanation is in order.
“Yes, Claire, Abel’s friend.”
“I knew it!” Henna announces, smacking the top of the car. “He totally has a thing for you.”
“How does his friend saying hello equate to him having a thing for me?” I look at Henna like she has five heads.
“Don’t you get it? He’s been talking to her about you. Either that or she’s picked up on the chemistry between you two and was curious to meet you. Either way, my statement still stands true.”